B & C follow A

I have to do 2 letters here because unless I’ve gotten so old and senile that I’ve forgotten a state, there aren’t any that start with B. So I can cross all the “B” states off my list.

For the “C ” states I have 3, California, Colorado and Connecticut.

C is for California

Maybe. I’ve been to California. I was in LA and went to the Queen Mary.


It was back in the film days before digital. I mostly remember a lot of Smog.

scan0005But although I spent a week there I can’t say I “vacationed” and California is such a big state I’d have to say I barely scratched the surface.


I have to drive Highway 1


with it’s majestic ocean views. And Channel islands National Park is another  “must”. And Yosemite


(that’s been in the news so much lately because of the huge wild fire that threatened.) There’s Monterey,  San Fran and the  Golden Gate Bridge


and don’t forget Disney was there before Florida. Nappa Valley or Sonoma, oh my , must go wine tasting, and the towering Redwood trees, can’t miss those, and that’s before we even think about the famous zoos (San Diego) , museums, arboretums..oh I could go on and on.

C is for Colorado


No, a resounding No. Colorado is a definite “must see”.  Any state that could inspire the music of John Denver must have something special in the air. Rocky mountain high…watch for eagles, visit Sand Dunes National Park. Look for wildlife. There are mountain goats in those “hills”. Spectacular vistas await. We’ll drive up Pikes Peak, visit the mile high City of Denver. Maybe make a stop in Aspen/ Vale just to say I’ve been there, in the summer because I don’t ski!


Now I have all those wonderful John Denver songs running through my head, especially Rocky Mountain High.

C is for Connecticut

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Yes. This is a neighbor state and although I haven’t “Vacationed” there I’ve spent enough time that I am rapidly crossing off many of the things on my list for that state. For example I spent a weekend at a spa in Old Saybrook, I’ve made another visit to Gillette Castle, I’ve ridden the Essex Steam Train

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and the paddleboat Becky Thatcher.

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I’ve made several boat trips on the Connecticut River, had lunch in the town of Essex CT. I’ve watched the ospry nesting on the swing bridge in Hamden, CT and photographed the Goodspeed Opera House over and over.

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I froze while I watched bald eagles at the Shepaug Dam on the Housatonic River. It was the coldest day of the winter.

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Still to go, Mystic Aquarium and that might very well be in the next few weeks.

I know for my long time followers that this may be familiar but we didn’t get much farther than this last time. (2011) So tally so far: 3 states visited 4 to go.

Always open to your suggestions and must see/ wanna see ideas! Keep ’em coming! 🙂

Posted in Connecticut, Travel, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , .


  1. HA! I knew we were kindred spirits, I LOVE John Denver 🙂 British Columbia isn’t in the states of course, but I’ve often heard that it was pretty. What did you think of the bit you saw when you went to Alaska?

    • I only got to see the coast, Vancouver. I would love to see the interior of BC. I’ve been to Vancouver twice. Once about 30 years ago and to catch the cruise ship to Alaska this year. I think it’s a beautiful city. I have to remember to take my John Denver CD’s for the drive tomorrow. Heading up to NY for my Mom’s 90th BD. Yes, John Denver makes my spirits soar right along with his lyrics. 🙂

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