This is what 90 Looks Like

Yesterday was my mother’s 90th birthday. She still lives on her own and goes bowling in a league every week. That’s 10 pin, “big balls”. No little wimpy candle pins or duck pins for her.


My Mother lives in New York State so I drove up to join the celebration. Her two brothers and their wives, my youngest brother and his wife  and my sister were all there to sing happy birthday. Missing was my other brother and his wife. They live  in Virginia and just couldn’t get away this time but it was still a good turn out.

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For some reason my mother doesn’t want to acknowledge that she’s 90 but I think it’s an awesome milestone.

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Good thing my mother doesn’t go on the internet or she’d be shortening my life for telling and we can’t have that!

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Happy Birthday Mom…and many more 🙂

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Posted in New York, People, Uncategorized and tagged , , .


    • He said he hasn’t been on the computer since March and now he’s afraid he’ll be overwhelmed with a the old emails LOL. I said I might not get any older if she finds out. Ha Ha

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