A “Clowder” of Purrr-sonalities~6

Well that theme kind of got away from me.

I’ve read that when a novelist starts writing they don’t know where the story will end up. They start with an outline and change it as the characters evolve. I think that’s what happened in this series.

When I started A “Clowder” of Purrr-sonalities” I was only going to write one short post mainly featuring Buddy and how much he has grown and changed in the year he’s been here. What prompted it was what happened  after my shower that morning.

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Buddy came in the bathroom right after I got out of the shower. He sat on the towel at my feet and watched me with the hair dryer. I took a minute to give him his morning “blow dry” .  Then he did something that concerned me. He hopped in the tub, which was still wet from my shower and started licking the bottom of the tub.

He didn’t seem to care that his butt was getting wet and there wasn’t all that much water if he was thirsty. I was afraid there might be some soap residue so I ran to the kitchen for a trusty plastic bowl, filled it from the sink and set that in the tub.

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Buddy checked it out, looked at me and proceeded to take a long drink.

Cats can be territorial and recently I read that they don’t like to have their water right next to their food. Rocky will drink from the pet fountain but Smokey and Buddy do not.

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Smokey and Buddy prefer the green plastic bowl in the living room. Even Rocky occasionally drinks there.

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So maybe Buddy is being pushed aside when it comes to water. I hadn’t noticed it but then I don’t sit and stare at them either. So now my tub now has a plastic bowl of water in it too.

See how short that was? Kind of hard to believe it evolved into a mini book! I think I’ll give you and the cats a rest for a little while. Let them do something special before I make them a subject again.

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