It’s been a Long Winter

I don’t mean to complain but Thursday’s  post was the view after the storm last weekend but then we got another one on Tuesday and another one (minor) on Wednesday. It’s been like that all winter. Pictures of snow storms are all starting to look alike.

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Yes I know there are places that get a lot more snow and much colder temperatures than Massachusetts but people that live there expect to be snow bound for 6 months of the year. A good big blizzard or “nor’easter is fun… now and then. But I’m getting weary. I’m tired of searching for a spot of color in a monochromatic world.

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Even the blue skies after a storm have a kind of diluted color. Usually the snow sparkles and the sky gets such a deep blue it hurts your eyes, but not this year. This year the white is without the sparkle and the sky is a light blue, if it’s blue at all. We’ve had a lot of just plain gray days. It feels like the world is in black and white.

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It’s depressing, at least to me. I wonder if this is how  it feels to live in the “North Country” where there’s 6 months of darkness.  I couldn’t do that.

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People say this is New England…It snows…. but not like this. Skiers and snowboarders  are having a great time. I’m glad for you! But not for me, oh no, not for me. 🙁

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I see postings on Facebook telling people to stop complaining or if they don’t like it to move.  I’m at the point I wish I could move to someplace with sun and warm weather. A tropical island come to mind. But my job is here and my condo is here (and upside down in value) so I don’t think a move is in the cards.

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Guess I’ll just have to buck up. We should be on the downside and heading toward spring. March is only 2 weeks away. Maybe there is an end in sight?

storm aftermath 001 copy

Posted in Massachusetts, Weather and tagged , .


  1. That is why I look forward to seeing the Red Male Cardinal every day. He sure is pretty against the white snow. Even I am looking forward to spring this year. It has been a very long, cold and snowy winter.

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