SUPERVOLCANO and The Mis-information Superhighway

You saw it on YouTube, then Turner Networks and even the local newspapers. Bison are fleeing Yellowstone National Park. Earthquakes are “unzipping” the super volcano caldera!

Is a mega disaster imminent?

Not likely says Park Spokesman Dan Hottle. The bison are actually running toward the interior of Yellowstone right toward the ancient 55 X 18 mile magma chamber, the location of the past super volcano explosions.

The Video originally posted on March 20 and sparked stories as far away as Australia. Mainstream news outlets picked up the story and the video went viral. By now more than 700,000 people (make that 700,001) have viewed the alleged bison exodus.


When news of Sunday’s 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit the airwaves, Turner Radio Network broadcast ” It appears the super volcano is unzipping !” The earthquake, which was the largest in 34  years, was actually centered north of the caldera boundary. It was generated by a system of fault lines, not magma.


Yellowstone has thousands of tremors every year. How could it not with geysers exploding and mud flats bubbling.  There have been more than 250 tremors in just the past month. It is business as usual for the geothermal area.


But just in case the bison are trying to commit a mass suicide Spokesperson Hottle  says he’s  ready. “I’ve got my tent packed and a couple of bags  of microwave popcorn. I’ll be ready!”

Just goes to show you can’t believe everything you see on the internet.

Oh one last comment for our Russian friends…Old Faithful will not burn down. 🙂

( Last year there was a 2 tree fire 8 miles south of Old Faithful. A Russian television station called asking if Old Faithful was going to burn down. )




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