The Rainbow Bridge

Smokey and I have an appointment this morning. His tumor has grown to the point that he is drooling long, strings of drool. He is eating but I don’t see him drinking much. I make sure he has wet food, the kind with the gravy, and he eats baby food from a spoon. It’s my feeble attempt to keep him hydrated. He still climbs onto my lap for cuddles and I do my best to gently dry his chest hair and comb out the matted tangles caused by the drool.

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He never opens his eyes wide anymore and he has stopped playing. He watches the other 2 cats with interest while they play but doesn’t try to join in. His mouth must be causing him pain because he tries not to put his head down on his paws. It’s sad to see him trying to prop his head on the edge of a pillow or  side of the cat bed. He sits or stands on my lap for hours but won’t lie down and rest his head.

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I swear he has lost more weight. He is a skeleton with hair. I cry for what he’s going through and I cry for what I have to do. I need to give him his release. We’ll visit the vet for the last time today.


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