Here Kitty Kitty

You must be getting bored with my renovation project. I know I am. It just seems to be stalled for now.

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So how ’bout those crazy kitties? Rocky hasn’t paid much attention to the tree this year (So far) but Buddy hasn’t quite accepted it yet. He’s kind of sneaky. He’ll sit next to it like a very good kitty but the minute I look away a paw comes out to grab something, a bead, an ornament, a garland and I have to tell him no and make him move away from the tree.

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Every morning the bottom string of beads are pulled off and hanging and one little snowflake ornament is in the middle of the floor. He must be very gentle to only remove one and never knock the tree over.

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Today after shooing him away he disappeared. I gave Rocky a treat and even that didn’t bring him out of hiding so I went “in search of”. (Remember that old TV show?) I found him in the bedroom.

This bed was neatly made up this morning.

Bed 001

Those lumps aren’t the sheets. It’s the “Bud-man” taking refuge under the covers! i didn’t have the heart to wake him up.

Bed 002 copy

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