Once More to the EYE

It was time to leave the Animal Kingdom behind. The Animal Kingdom closes earlier than the other parks so as not to disrupt the animals sleep cycle or circadian timer. We have one too but if we choose to ignore it  that’s our problem. The animals at Animal Kingdom are at the mercy of their keepers and so far Disney has tried hard to give them a natural environment.


Although dark it was still early so we decided to try the EYE again. If it was running we could take a ride. If not at least we could get some pictures of it after dark.

We pulled into the free parking and the EYE was right in front of us. When we parked earlier I didn’t notice what a great view there was from the parking garage.

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We spent more than a few minutes trying to find the best spot to see the great wheel.

Pretty quickly it became apparent that it wasn’t moving.

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Even so we went to the ground level and checked for spots to photograph it from there. It’s really a beautiful sight.

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Remember that restaurant. They had their lights on too.

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I just wish we’d had a chance to see Orlando from the top. I wonder if we could have seen the Fireworks from the Disney Parks?

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