Campobello Island

No matter how picturesque Quoddy Head State Park was we couldn’t linger too long. The afternoon was booked with a trip Campobello Island

We headed back to Lubec where we presented our passports for entry into Canada. We crossed the bridge from Lubec to the Island immediately stopping at the visitor center for maps and information.

Lubec Bridge





The main attraction is Roosevelt Campobello International Park. This was FDR’s childhood summer home. (a 34 room “cottage”) It was where , as adult, he was diagnosed with polio. The island played a huge part in Roosevelt’s life and I would not even have known about this if not for going on this trip.


The grounds are beautiful, clean and well maintained. There is a video that tells the story of Roosevelt’s life on the island and it’s significance in history.

The park is a joint venture between Canada and the US representing our close ties  and friendship.

Dinner was at Helen’s Restaurant at 6:30 so it was soon time to head back.

Tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow we look for Puffins!

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