A Return to Hidden Nook Farm

I have written about this little place in the past and it is still as cute and quaint as the first time back in 2013.

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Again in 2014 when we met the adorable Thumbelina.

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I had been following their posts on Facebook and knew they had a new addition to their little Alpaca family so I was pleased when I got a call asking if I would be interested in taking some pictures for them.

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They are going to start selling end products from their alpaca wool, scarves, gloves, hats, etc and they wanted photos for a display.

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I jumped at the chance, of course.

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At first I was in the enclosure with the females and the newbies. Fiona is the smallest, just a few days old.

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From there I moved to another enclosure where to my surprise the black alpaca came right up. Usually they are very timid and shy so this one was a bit unusual. I snapped pictures as he approached and then let him sniff the camera. Once he’d checked both me and the camera out he wandered back with the rest.

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It wasn’t a long visit but it was fun. I can’t wait until they have some finished products for me to see and try out!

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