Only In a Grocery Store!

I remember as a young single girl I was told that a great place to meet men was in the supermarket. I’m not sure I ever understood that but I think it had something to do with checking our the food in their carriage and you could tell from that if they were single.


Whatever it was, it never worked for me. You can get frostbite hanging out in the frozen food section!

I mention this only because I’ve never found standing in a check out line a place to strike up a conversation of any depth but I have to eat my words now. (Along with a tasty muffin)


Sunday morning I stopped in the local grocery store to pick up cat food and a lb of hamburger. I spent more on cat food than I did on my food but that;s not what I was getting to. What I wanted to share is that I got talking to this lovely lady that was in line behind me. I’m not even sure how it came about but before I knew it we were talking travel. She has a friend who just bought a home on the Big Island and she asked if I had ever been there. That led to a comparison of the various islands. She had been to Oahu and Maui.

We agreed that everyone should go to Oahu if for no other reason than to see Pearl Harbor but while you’re there visit the Polynesian Cultural Center too and I threw in a snorkel in Hanauma Bay.


We both like Maui for just general pleasantness.


Its more laid back than Oahu. But I think I still like the Big Island best. I love Volcano National Park and the excitement of an active volcano in the form of Kilauea.


From Hawaii we made a brief stop in Houston because of the upcoming Superbowl (Go Pats) and then veered off to Kentucky.


Neither of us had been there but one of her friends holds a Kentucky Derby Party every year with fancy hats and mint juleps.


Then our conversation took a big jump to Alaska and the pros and cons of doing a cruise. Don’t miss Denali!

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By the time I finally reached the check out, we were well on the way to discussing international travel. I have to say it made standing in line go by really fast. I never even got the lady’s name but here’s to Happy Travels!



Posted in Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Travel and tagged , .