What Does Travel Mean to You?

I was running around making lists of things I need to do before I leave for Hawaii and it suddenly hit me that I was tired. Very, very tired. The kind of tired that if I let myself stop for a minute will just fall asleep.


I found myself asking why I do this to myself.


To take a vacation everything is supposed to be caught up at work for the co-worker who will cover your absence. That’s only fair but this week I ended up doing my work, another associate’s work and she was covering a 3rd person’s work. Needless to say my last day became really hectic.


Now my cat is demanding my attention and I’m missing him already.

Rockyandme 018a copy

I know once I’m on my way I will start looking forward to the trip again but it made me think about travel in general.

On the South Rim, Grand Canyon 2008

On the South Rim, Grand Canyon 2008

Is the reason many people never head out to explore because they get bogged down in the shear WORK of getting packed and out the door? One friend said she only goes on cruises because planning a trip was just too much work. Everything is planned for her on a cruise!

Key West 109 copy

Key West 2013

Usually I spend months researching an area, planning and dreaming about the vacation. I get a lot of pleasure out of this planning stage. But no matter how prepared I am, the reality always trumps the planning. I love seeing new places, meeting new people, trying new things.


Maui 2016

Now although I often feel torn about leaving I really can’t see myself giving up the adventure. I no sooner finish one trip when I’m thinking about the next one. I told a co-worker that asked me why I didn’t retire that “I Work so I can Vacation”. I guess that sums it up.

Deb Poobear

Orlando, Fl June 2011 Photo by JR St Jean, Take Pride Photography

How do you feel about traveling?



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