The Metro

The short flight from Boston to Washington, DC was uneventful. The most exciting thing was seeing another plane off to our right, slightly lower than we were. In all the times I’ve flown places I think I’ve only seen another plane out the window like that once before.

Reagan International was exactly the opposite of Logan. It was bustling. Because of the size of the plane my carry-on hadn’t fit in the overhead so I had to check it. I took the camera out but forgot the lap top  was in the front sleeve. I crossed my fingers that it would survive the trip in the “belly of the beast”.

Reagan International seemed more like Boston than Logan! When I exited the jet way I was staring at a Dunkin’ Donuts!

When I left the secured area to go to baggage claim I passed Legal Seafood’s.

I’m happy to report my laptop came through with out a scratch. My bag was about the 5th one off the plane, probably because I checked it at the gate; last on first off.

By now it was after 2 pm so I decided to get lunch at the airport. I didn’t see a lot of choices outside the security checkpoint so I settled on Legal Seafood. Sorry Legal, it wasn’t very good. The service was excellent. My waitress was really sweet and attentive but my meal left a lot to be desired. I ordered the fried shrimp meal ($17.00!) and it was dry and over cooked. I get better fried shrimp at Friendly’s. Not up to the standard I would expect from a Legal Seafood Restaurant!

Meal over I headed for the “Metro”, Washington’s version of the MBTA. It was really easy to get to from the airport. The web site said the tickets started at $2.55/ trip but like the MBTA in Boston, the Metro sell their tickets in an automated machine. I wasn’t able to find a single ticket. They only had day passes for about $14.00/day. That gives you unlimited rides but it’s a far cry from $2.55. They also charge $2.00 for a card. I purchased 3 days and had to add 3 cards. I don’t think I will get my money’s worth but it was still cheaper than the shuttle $27.00 one way or renting a car.

The actual ride was pleasant and efficient. The cars were clean and the stations announced. I had a short walk from the Chinatown Station to my hotel, The Fairfield Inn. All in all a better experience than I usually have on the “T” in Boston.



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