The United States Navy Memorial honors the men and women of the United States Navy – past, present and future. The outdoor Plaza features a “Granite Sea” map of the world, towering masts with signal flags, fountain pools and waterfalls and The Lone Sailor© statue.
Although the outdoor memorial was closed due to the cold weather the Granite Map was clearly visible and of course the Lone Sailor stares out across the plaza. The Lone Sailor was dedicated October 13, 1987 during the 212th birthday of the United States Navy.
The southern hemisphere of the Granite Sea is surrounded by 26 bronze high reliefs commemorating events, personnel, and communities of the various sea services. A relief is a sculptural technique where the sculpted elements remain attached to a solid background of the same material.
I’m told that when the waters that fill the fountains are turned on for the season a huge ceremony is held. The waters represent the waters of the 7 seas.
Nice,,very nice. I bet they are beautiful to see in person.
I bet when the sun is shining and the fountains are on that its quite impressive
It is a beautiful tribute. Cried when I was there.
I wish it had been fully operational. I can see where it would be very moving