Dwight Miller & Son, Dummerston Vermont

Dwight Miller & Son, Dummerston, Vermont

The “wintry mix” was getting worse but neither Joe nor I was ready to call it a day yet.We’d driven all this way and only seen one Maple Sugar House and a quaint covered bridge.


We had to keep going. On Star saved the route we entered before our brief photo stop so it wasn’t long before we had gone around Brattleboro to arrive at Dummerston, Vermont.

Once again we slipped and slid our way along a sloppy dirt road. I could feel the mud pulling at the tires. I didn’t need the little  on my dash board. We spotted the plastic tubing first then as we came up a little rise we saw the sign, Dwight Miller & Son Orchards and under that a hand made  “Maple Open House”.


The Sugar House

No billowing clouds of steam here. It was pretty damp and chilly inside too. One car load of people were leaving as we came in and then it was just us. Mr. Miller was quite hospitable. It was clear he enjoyed talking about his work. He gave us the grand tour past huge vats where the raw sap came in from the vacuum tubing to the smaller vats where it was filtered but I didn’t see an evaporator.


Turns out it was outside and it was huge. This wasn’t a wood burning monster. No this one ran on oil. Right now it was shut down but this was a true commercial operation.

Back out front there was a tasting table. On the table were some of the most delectable donut holes I have ever tasted. I think they were cider donuts. They were light and coated in cinnamon sugar. The sign said 1 per person but like the potato chips, it was hard to eat just one. A jug of cider with little cups  rested next to the donuts.

The Taste Test

Like a wine tasting, tiny little paper cups were set up with 3 different grades of syrup. As “Dwight” explained the different grades I slowly sampled each one. To my surprise my favorite was the “Golden”. The lightest color and the lightest taste. I thought I’d like the strong dark one but no, the light one was the best.


This sugar house and orchard concentrates on maple syrup only. No candy, no maple creme, no maple coated nuts. Just syrup. When I asked why, I was told they had so much demand for their syrup that they couldn’t produce enough to have the other lines of products. So obviously this was where we bought the syrup for Joe’s sister, Bobbi-Jo.

Where to find Dwight Miller Orchards

Dwight Miller Orchards is located at 511 Miller Rd, Dummerston, VT 05301.



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    • Oh yes. The sign said one to a customer so when our host asked if I had any questions I said yes, Can I have another one? LOL He said yes.

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