Jackson Lake and Signal Mountain.

Jackson Lake is a Huge, High Altitude  Lake

Jackson Lake

Jackson Lake is located in the Northwest corner of Wyoming in Grand Teton National Park. It’s a natural lake that has been enlarged by a dam built in 1911 and rebuilt in 1989. A water treaty between Wyoming and Idaho reserves the top 33 ft of water for Idaho farmers to use for irrigation. The Snake River feeds into the lake.  There’s a rest area and picnic tables near the dam. The road splits at Jackson lake. The right fork heading north toward Yellowstone and the left fork continuing along the dam to pick up the inner loop road.

Jackson Lake Lodge , Colter Bay Village and Leeks Marina (Said to have the best pizza in the Park!) are all on the right fork. I was headed to the left and the Inner loop.

Signal Mountain Lodge

Signal Mountain LodgeThe Inner loop road soon brings you to Signal Mountain Lodge. It was one of the few places still open for the off season. I pulled in to a large parking lot. There were gas pumps as well as restaurant and gift shop. It was about time for lunch so a break was in order. I wasn’t looking for huge meal so I was considering their chicken soup when a nearby diner’s sandwich floated past. It was a BLT so that settled it. I requested chips as opposed to fries and was surprised when the plate came with hot, home made potato chips. They were amazing! The meal proved to be way too much food so a doggy bag left with me. 



The Inner LoopThe Base of the Teton Range

I topped off the gas tank and headed south on the inner loop road. It was winding it’s way down Signal Mountain. The Gaperguide recommended taking a detour up to the lookout but the road was closed for the season. Hikers could still get there but no vehicles. Once off the mountain the road stretched out before me heading right toward the base of the Tetons. I watched the fields and plains for animals but other than a hawk  diving for his lunch I didn’t see anything.

Posted in scenic drives, Travel, Wyoming and tagged , , .


    • I was very lucky to have such beautiful weather. You’re right about the sky. It was such a deep , deep blue

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