What a Crazy World!

What a Crazy World We Live in!

It’s crazy out there! I mean it. Life just takes over and runs away with you. You have no control. Or maybe it’s just me. I go to work each day expecting to put in my 8 hours and come home. They hired 10 more people so I should be able to finish on time but it just isn’t working out that way. No matter how hard I try I can’t get out by 5 pm. I promised my boss on Friday that I would leave on time. OOPS Didn’t happen.  I have 7 commission  statements to send out that are a week overdue So I went in to the office today. I figured it would be quiet on a Sunday but one of my key applications was down so I couldn’t send anything out. 

Rocky my catPosts are coming

I have posts drafted but by the time I get home my brain has turned to mush. I feed Rocky (my cat), fix dinner and fall asleep. Not much of a life to talk about. But I was planning to share highlights from my Volcano National Park tour while I was on the Big Island. Looks like Kilauea is making my visit pale by comparison. When I was there the lava lake had just started to rise and we could see the tops of the lava fountains. From the lake surface to the rim of the crater it was 120 ft. so you can imagine how high the fountains were going if we could see the tops. Now that more than a dozen fissures have opened up in the rift zone the level from the lava lake is sinking.

A Big Explosion

Just to prove how crazy I am the scientists that monitor Kilauea are predicting a big explosion. Maybe a 1 in a century blow up. Guess who wants to be there? Yup me. If I could get away from work I’d be on the next plane. Its sad for the property owners but so exciting to see such an amazing natural phenomenon. The lava doesn’t flow very fast but beware of the air. The sulfur dioxide fumes can become sulfuric acid when breathed in. 

Lava Lake Glow

Posting Schedule

I’ll try to post more often but until work slows down I think I’ll be lucky to get a post out once per week. I don’t want to post “junk” just to have a post. Quality  not quantity is the goal.  I will do my best.



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