Aloha From the Big Island

Aloha from the Big Island

Hi everyone

Just a quick update to let you know I’ll have some new posts soon.
It’s been a very tough year so far.

My BFF is in town and wanted to do lots of fun things but most of the summer I’ve been laid up. My doctor insisted it was my back but I argued that it was my hip. Cortisone shots in my back did nothing except delete my bank account so finally in an act of desperation I went to a chiropractor. It didn’t take him long to order more xrays of my whole pelvic area. You guessed it. My hip was the culprit all along.

With new set of xrays in hand and my chiropractor’s blessing I contacted a surgeon who confirmed that I need a hip replacement. But not just one! I’ll need both done. My left hip surgery is scheduled for December. Once that’s healed we’ll tackle the right hip. The prognosis is that once they are done I can be back to my adventurous self.

The Big Island coming up

In the meantime I had a trip booked to Hawaii, specifically the Big Island. To cancel would have cost a bundle so here I sit or hobble with cane in hand.

I flew United Airlines and they were great. There was a plane change in San Francisco so they had a wheelchair meet me to take me between gates. Thank goodness. The gates were opposite sides of the terminal. Without that assistances I’d still be limping my way to the 2nd gate!

So here I am on the Big Island and I intend to make the best of my stay. Hiking is not an option and I’m not sure about swimming but I can take a dinner cruise and I think I’m going to try to swim with the Manta Rays. I’m told we just hang onto a float with lights. I’m willing to give it a shot.

I have the camera and my cell phone camera so Pictures will follow once I have a little time to really write.

We’ll talk soon, The maid just arrived to pick up my room so I’m going to get out of her way for now.

Posted in Hawaii, Travel.


  1. Well, I thought you got lost in the ocean, since you have been so quiet since you left. Glad to hear from you. Have a good vacation, at least your not working. Chat later.

    • Had a few issues with the Wifi at the resort. They had to send the calvary in to figure out why I couldn’t log on. But here I am now

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