The Hana Highway Finale

 The Hana Highway Finale

As you know by now The Hana Highway aka The Road to Hana is a repeat adventure. I seem to end up taking that trip either by tour or by accident on every visit to Maui. When I got stuck on my rock on a one lane road I was looking for a beach on the Road to Hana that I had seen on a previous tour. We were nearing the end of this tour and I almost missed it. The tour bus drove right by. I blinked and tried to look quick as we shot past. Was it the same beach? I thought so but why weren’t we stopping? Time for the Hana Highway Finale.

Hana Highway Windsufers

We were well past the turn off when the tour bus finally pulled over. I had to ask. Was there a beach with lots of vendors behind us? The driver said yes but new ordinances prevent tour buses from stopping there now. It was such a popular stop that it just got too congested so the tour buses were banned. Violators received hefty fines.  When he saw the room on the road shoulder to pull over he did so we could watch the windsurfers. The last time I was here it was all about surfing but today it was windsurfers.


Windsurfing Competitions

Jeff, the driver, went on to tell us that large windsurfing contests were held here every year and these windsurfers were here to practice their moves. Sometimes they went far out and came racing back. Jeff said they were practicing their speed runs. More fun was watching them ride the waves like surfers with sails. They would be on a crest of a breaking wave and pull the sail over. This made them flip sometimes completely over. It was awesome when they were successful but there were far more failures. That’s when we watched the brightly colored sails splash into the water and the wave break over it. But like a phoenix the surfers got back up and tried again. This was a colorful wrap up to our daylong tour of the Hana Highway and back.

Hookipa Beach Park

I’m not sure but I think this is Hookipa Beach Park. Now I’ll need to return to Maui and the Hana Highway to confirm this for you. See how easy it is to convince me to go back! And you can see why I always end up on the Road to Hana- so much to see.

Posted in beach vacation, Hawaii, Maui.