Here We Grow Again
I’ve added another family member to my little home. His name is Balboa and I didn’t adopt him for me as much as for Banner.
Banner is the best kitten! After 2 weeks he figured out my routine and knew that once Mama sat down to work that he needed to leave me alone. He looked so sad. If a cat can have “puppy dog eyes” Banner did it. Then he started freaking out when I’d leave the condo. I’d hear him meowing and bumping and scratching at the door. He had a pretty bad case of separation anxiety.
What to do? What would happen when I was back in the office? What about vacations? Banner needed a little friend. As it turned out I do mean little!
Is That Really Banner?
When I first held Balboa I thought he was a real light weight but next to Banner he’s tiny! This is a picture from when he first came home. Banner looks like I should rename him Garfield! He looks huge! Maybe I have a Garfield and Nermal? Banner was about as happy to have a new friend as Garfield was to have Nermal join his family.
There’s been a lot of growling but no hissing. They have been chasing each other all around and no one seems the worse for wear except me.
Balboa Can Hold His Own
For a tiny kitten Balboa doesn’t let Banner intimidate him. In spite of Banner’s growls Balboa seems to think Banner is playing with him. I’ll have to work on getting some more photos. Black cats are notoriously hard to photograph as the black color just sucks in all the light. In this case Balboa doesn’t slow down for a second. He’s just a black streak! So I can add motion as another challenge. I’m not sure how he got the name Balboa but I like the way Banner & Balboa sound together and since Rocky was named after the movie character Rocky Balboa,
it seems fitting that this next generation continue the name.

The Original Rocky