Insanity runs Rampart in My Home

Insanity runs Rampart in My Home

Yes, I know, I have 2 kittens, both under the age on 1 year. Of course life is insane but as I sat here this morning  watching them race around I found myself reminiscing. 

I thought back to when Rocky was a tiny kitten. His “Big Brother” was a senior kitty called Little Joe. Little Joe was the original “Grumpy Cat” He didn’t like other cats. He was a smush-faced Persian, kind of slow moving, aloof and just wanted to be left alone. Rocky was a tiny hellion who bounced off walls and loved his grumpy Big Brother. I spend a lot of time separating them so no one would get hurt.

Baby Rocky


I remember one time I heard little muffled whimpering and when I went to investigate I found Little Joe dragging Rocky across the floor…but not by his ruff. No Little Joe had Rocky’ s whole head in his mouth. That was why Rocky’s cries sounded muffled! But both Rocky and I survived his kittenhood and eventually Rocky became the “Old Man”.  And now I have kittens again.


His Highness- Banner

Banner is 6 months old now and starting to look like an adult. He’s going to be a fluffy cat and his tail is still his biggest feature. Banner is kind of slow moving. We play a game of soccer with tiny soccer balls. I throw them down the hall and Balboa chases them. Banner is like the goalie. Only he stretches out across the hall and if Balboa doesn’t catch the ball before it starts down the hall, Banner just bats it away with his paw and lays back down.  No racing around for him.




This morning as I got ready to take my shower I saw Banner get ready to use the litter box. His tail was sticking out over the side of the box. To my surprise Balboa came running and pounced on Banner’s tail! Oh no! I figured that would distract Banner- maybe even cause an “accident”  but no, Banner  paid no attention to Balboa chewing on his tail. He took care of his needs then calmly pulled his tail away so he could turn and cover up his business.


Balboa is the crazy one. They said he was shy when I adopted him. Ha! They lied or else he had them all fooled. He is 2 months younger than Banner. Where Banner is poufy and lazy Balboa is lean and sleek. He’s shorthaired and shiny black with the energy of a formula one race car. Banner is very patient with him but once he wears out his big brother he heads to for me and we play fetch for an hour or two!

Wild Thing



Balboa, often called BB for short is also known fondly as “Sir Talks A Lot”. He mutters. Yup he wanders around the house talking to his toys, to Banner and to me. He doesn’t do anything in silence except maybe sleep. Balboa is my lap cat. Once he finally runs out of energy he just collapses like a limp rag and can stay on my lap all afternoon if I let him. Banner might make a short stop to say hi but then moves on. Not Balboa, He’s my buddy.

Don’t leave anything around where you don’t want it checked out either! I made the mistake of setting a bowl on the table while I got some other items out of the cupboard.  This is what I turned around to!

Not in the bowl!

Luckily I had another bowl and could run that one through the dishwasher again. 




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  1. LOL now Balboa sounds like a pistol. I wonder what they will do when you start going on vacations again.

  2. I Know! I keep that in mind. I probably won’t go away on vacation until this fall if then. See how the COIVD vaccinations go. My only hope is that he may calm down a little once he is a bit older. I can’t say once he is “fixed” because he has been snipped already. Banner is a much calmer kitty but he tries to keep up. Sometimes I think Balboa’s energy just over whelms him I think Banner wonders what happened to his nice quiet home. LOL!

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