Natural Wonders to See
I love lists. I love to make them and then check them off. It helps me get things done so I like seeing these lists of places to see and things to experience. Like this list of Natural Wonders in each state that I found. I decided to go through the list and see what I’ve done and what still need to be checked off. It kind of goes with my 50 State Challenge.
Best Natural Wonders to see in each state!
1. Wyoming
Lets kick it off with Wyoming. Devil’s Tower. Located in Crook County, the Devils Tower is the first national monument in the US, established by Theodore Roosevelt in 1906. I’ve been to Wyoming. It was a great trip but I was in Jackson Hole and Devil’s Tower is to the east so I didn’t see it that trip. It’s on my bucket list.
2. Vermont
Next on the list is one of my neighboring states, Vermont. I’ve been hanging out in Vermont since I was a kid. It was a family tradition to take Sunday drives to Vermont and count the deer that came out to graze in the fields at dusk. My favorite weekend is the Maple Sugar Weekend when the sugar shacks open up for tours and fresh maple syrup and maple sugar abound. You have to watch for it because it depends on the weather when it gets scheduled. But I digress- the number one Natural Wonder in Vermont is… Quechee Gorge.

Quechee Gorge 2014- Photo Credit Deb Neumann
Yes I’ve been there. Many times. This time I took the trail to the bottom of the gorge. Most folks take their pics from U.S. Route 4 bridge. You can see the bridge in this picture. It’s pretty spectacular from the bridge too. It is among the deepest gorges in the country and the deepest in Vermont at 165 feet.
3. Alaska
I went to Alaska in 2013. Our cruise took us into Glacier Bay. Gorgeous and number 3 on our Natural Wonders List. We went in May and it was COLD! Brrr-

Glacier Bay, Alaska – 2013
The first 3
So of the first 3 on the list I’ve been to all 3 states but only 2 of the Natural Wonders. Can’t wait to see what the next 3 Wonders are on the list.