Monsterland Massachusetts


Did you know there is a place called Monsterland in Massachusetts? It’s located in Leominster, MA in the state forest. Here you can look for Bigfoot and other strange activity.  Legend has it that the activity goes back to the 1800’s. Leominster is not alone with a reputation for strange happenings. We’ve also got the Bridgewater Triangle and New Hampshire has the Betty and Barney Hill Alien abduction. 

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Bigfoot in the forest- Internet

Ronny LeBlanc

Ronny LeBlanc is a Native of Leominster who has made it to the little screen in the Travel Channels’ series “Expedition Bigfoot.”  LeBlanc tells of an experience in Leominster state forest when he was a boy that has impacted his whole life. He was 11 years old when he experienced his first Bigfoot.

“Within seconds the forest erupted in front of me. Trees and shrubs were moving. I started to feel these reverberations in the soles of my feet of something walking.”

“The experience of seeing that impression in the ground, six footprints. Something I’ve seen in a lot of books of the pacific northwest and here we are in Massachusetts.”
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Bigfoot In the Berkshires

In the 1980’s  4 friends were having a cook out on the shore of Lake Felton near the small town of Washington, MA.  Apparently their BBQ had attracted something large. They could hear trees moving and branches snapping. When 2 of the friends decided to investigate.  “It stood on two legs, silhouetted on the trail in the moonlight, and it was huge.” One of the friends  told the Berkshire Eagle a few days later, “I don’t scare easily, but it scared me.” 

The Whitehall Bigfoot

But Western Massachusetts isn’t the only Bigfoot Hotspot.  For years there have been reports of Bigfoot in Whitehall NY. Whitehall isn’t that far from the Western MA border so some speculate that the Bigfoots have a migration trail that runs through Whitehall, NY and into Massachusetts.  I’m feeling kind of left out. I grew up very close to Whitehall in the Adirondacks and now I live in Massachusetts but I’ve never run into one of the hairy monsters myself. But then again, I am not sure I want to. 


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  1. I never knew there was a big foot in Whitehall until I saw the local news one night. They were talking about a celebration of big foot in Whitehall and showed a carving of him. That was the first time I ever heard of big foot in Whitehall. I have traveled alot through the area and never saw nor heard anyone talk about big foot. OH well, I learn something new every day.

  2. If I remember the incident correctly the witnesses in Whitehall were local policemen. I’ll have to look it up but I do remember being surprised that I had not heard about it at the time either.

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