Where Have you been?
Sorry I neglected to write a post last week. I wish I could say it was because I was out doing fun and exciting things but my Cats have been monopolizing my time. I think I’ve convinced Banner to skip the night time lullaby but now he’s extended his morning symphony to start at 4 AM. And he doesn’t stop! I’m trying to ignore him hoping he gets bored or tired and stops when he doesn’t get any attention. It’s not working.

photo credit – internet
Nighttime Ritual
Once I had Banner on silent mode I thought I would get a good night’s sleep but now Balboa has developed a strange habit. He has to sleep curled up under my chin. He’s an 11 lb. cat, not a tiny kitten! He gets in bed once I’ve settled in, unusually almost asleep. He hops up and if I am not in the right position to suit him he stares at me, pushes my face with his paws and finally tried to stretch over me. I have to give in and give him room to get comfortable or no sleep for me. Its nice that he is so loving but seriously?

photo credit- Deb Neumann
The worst part…if I have to get up at all during the night we have to go through it all again. I hate to say it but I’m getting tired. Is this what it’s liked to be loved to death?
So Where Have I been?
I’ve been taking a lot of naps. Not on purpose. I’ve just found that thanks to my furry little friends and my interrupted sleep I can drop off almost as soon as I get up. Feed the little buggers, change the litter , fix my breakfast and boom! I’m down for the count. Needless to say I’m not getting a lot done. I’m so glad my lifestyle allows me to do this even if it makes for boring blog posts!

Internet photo
LOL I am glad that I had kids instead of Cats. I hope that they grow out of that nonsense but you never know. Animals are strange ” little people “.
I never had these issues with my other cats. I thought I understood cats. Whew, these guys are giving me a run for my money. As annoying as they can be they are also so innocent and trusting- our problem just seems to be communicating LOL