Good Morning
Its a beautiful morning. I’m just dropping in to say Hi and let all of you know I’m still alive. I’m finally getting into this retirement thing. The cats have started letting me sleep until 7:30. Big improvement over that 5:30 wake up call. Of course that doesn’t get my day going too quick.
The cats are doing good. Last night after I went to bed I heard this thumping and crying. They were in a wrestling match in the door way of the bed room. When I interrupted them they immediately stopped and both sat side by side with the most innocent look. Of course I didn’t have a camera. I don’t sleep with my phone you know. But they were picture perfect. Like what Mom? We weren’t doing nothin’.
My Day
My day gets off to a fun start with Banner chasing his tail in the tub. No water mind you. I think he just likes to slide around. He talks to his tail the whole time too. Balboa is most likely to be high on his perch in the cat tree pretending he’s sleeping. Once I get breakfast going I have to call him over and over to get him to come eat. Then I have to put him right in front of his food otherwise he acts like he has no clue where it is. He is one weird kitty.

Photo credit- Deb Neumann
The rest of the day is pretty laid back. Until I have my retirement finances settled I’m grounded so I spend most of my days on the deck with a good book or sometimes a not so good book but I read it anyway. If I get restless and think I should take a day trip all I have to do is listen to the traffic report. There are traffic jams everywhere. 2 hours to get on or off the cape, 3 hours to get to I 84. Back ups at the New Hampshire border…where has all this traffic come from
And Shark Week on TV is making me homesick for Hawaii. I’ve watch “Sharkcano” a dozen times just for the underwater Hawaii shots.
At least I don’t wake up in a panic anymore. At first I kept thinking I should be at work. Thankfully that seems to be a thing of the past.
Well I’ve rambled on with no rhyme or reason so I think I’ve said enough. Me, my cats and I are all well and good. We just don’t have much to say. We’re just chillin’ and loving this weather. Winter will be here soon enough. Have a great day!