The Winner
The winner of the 2023 Mystic Aquarium photo contest is the Whale Breach! Darn I knew that was the one I should have submitted. I still like my iguana but the breach was a good one. Congratulations to Shannon Higgins-Millicker for the breaching whale photo.
In case you forgot which one I entered here it is again and also my whale breach photo that I didn’t submit.
Key Largo Iguana

Key Largo Iguana- Photo credit Deb Neumann
Whale Breach

Whale Breach- Photo credit Deb Neumann
Next One
That’s the hard part about photo contests. You never know what the judges are looking for. Sometimes they will say specifically that is must be a bird from the northeast or taken between July 4 and September 5. When they get specific its easier to narrow down the submission but when its wide open its anyone’s guess. Oh well. It was only to name a seal. No Money so maybe next year.
It was fun anyway. I’ll have to keep an eye out for the next one. Most are winding down for this year.