I Made It!

I’m not a butcher, a baker or even a pie maker but IĀ did make this!Ā It came out so good. A little labor intensive butĀ look at the result! And it tastes as good as it looks , very light and fluffy.

Rainbow Christmas Wreath

The professional


My Version

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Not bad for a first try if I do say so myself…and it’s really light and fluffy.

I used the egg white version. I saved the egg yolks and made French Toast. šŸ™‚



It’s Apple Pickin’ Season

As you know I am not a food blogger. I can cook but I like basic , home style cooking. I’m happy with meatloaf and mashed potatoes instead of chicken cordon bleu. That said I felt I had to share this recipe. Although you can certainly make it all year round, IĀ tend to think of it when the fresh apples abound. So here it is. Enjoy


Apple PancakeĀ 

  • 1/2 cup flower (I like BisquickĀ  but any all purpose flower will work)
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 large or 2 medium size apples (Granny smith, Macintosh are great…cortlands tend to get a bit mushy)
  • 2 Tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar (optional)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Mix sugar and cinnamon. Set aside

WhiskĀ flour, milk and eggs together until smooth. Melt butter in cast iron skillet (this is essential). Remove from heat. Pour mixture into skillet. Peal and thinly slice the apples. Place on top of mixture. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar mixture. Sprinkle brown sugar on top of that. Bake 20 minutes.


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Additional Tips and comments:

You can serve with syrup but I don’t think it needs it. I don’t peel the apples either as I like the skins. If you use a stick margarine or butter you get a crispier crust than with a whipped margarine. That’s also the theory behind the cast iron pan. You could use a pie plate but you won’t get as much “crisp.”

Goodbye Twinkies RIP

Well hereā€™s to the power of Unions. I thought they were supposed to help the people who were their members? The union question is big in my company. Weā€™re not union but a lot of people would like to see that change. They think it will protect their jobs, benefits and perks. They think it will prevent management from demanding more and more work for the same or lessĀ pay.

Thatā€™s what the employees at Hostess thought too. Hostess has been struggling but they make good snacks. Snacks that we thought would be around forever…especially since the shelf life of a Twinkie was said to be 30 -50 years.

President ClintonĀ  calledĀ  TwinkiesĀ  an “American Icon” as he dropped a Twinkie in the millennium capsule back in 1999.

But 5000 people just cost 18,000 people their jobs. Hostess saidā€¦ā€Help, We canā€™t pay our bills ā€œ and petitioned the bankruptcy court for protection. As part of the bankruptcy they were told to cut wages. The union said no. Hostess said if we donā€™t cut wages we canā€™t stay open but the union still went out on strike. It was no secret what would happen if the union didnā€™t settle the strike. It was in all the news.

Now the company is being liquidated. No more Twinkies, no more Ding Dongs and no more jobs for 18,000 people.

Itā€™s a sin. Dear Unionā€¦Are you pleased? Are you proud of your accomplishment? The power of a union run amok.

I canā€™t do anything for those 18,000 unemployed folks except express my horror and indignation but I can share a recipe or two so thatĀ  maybe the withdrawal from the yummy (but unhealthy) snacks wonā€™t be too severe.

Sorry my scan is a little small. šŸ™