In Search of Next Year’s Christmas Card

Yes, you read that right. Christmas is barely past and I’ve turned my thoughts to next year already. Truth be known I started thinking about next year’s card as soon as I cracked open the boxes of decorations. You see the images I use for my Christmas Cards are always taken in the previous season. If I waited, I’d never get the new cards made and in the mail on time.

So far this year I just haven’t gotten a picture that gives me a “WOW” factor.

I heard that the Stone Zoo in Stoneham, MA was including photos with Santa’s Reindeer as part of their Zoo Lights celebration and that caught my attention.


I debated with myself if it was worth a trip because I’d have to drive through Boston at night to get there. The price of admission wasn’t too much, only $7.00 and tickets could be ordered on line.

I debated all December but didn’t break down until yesterday. I made a last minute decision, printed a ticket and headed out.

It was unseasonably warm and I thought that being a Saturday maybe, just maybe, the traffic wouldn’t be too bad. Wrong. 🙁  Traffic through Boston does not take the weekend off.

Once there I was told the parking lot was filled to capacity but to cruise around and maybe I’d get lucky. At least the parking was free and eventually I did find a space. I noted the location by the wolf at the end of aisle.

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Santa’s Castle was gorgeous but it was roped off and apparently closed. Santa must be resting up from his long ride.

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I couldn’t get over the people trying to see the animals in the dark. Silly people. After asking a few people I finally got directed to the Reindeer Encounter. A $5.00 donation was requested for the opportunity to take your picture with your own camera with the Reindeer. A bench was in front of the reindeer (caribou) enclosure and two handlers stood in the enclosure with the animal.

I waited in the long line. The way it snaked around did not let me get a good look at the lighting until it was my turn. I made some quick guesswork on camera settings, paid my $5.00 and stepped into the lights. The handlers got the animal to raise his head and I snapped away.

After my moment I retreated to another bench to check the result. The ones with the faster shutter speed were too dark

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and the ones when I switched to aperture priority were properly exposed but the shutter speed was too slow and I got camera shake.

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With nothing usable I put the camera on the tripod and got back on line to try again. The line had grown and was now huge, snaking around the enclosure. As I debated if I really wanted to stand in line that long there was a break in the brush around the enclosure. The reindeer was lying down now and looked like it was about to go to sleep.

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I pushed into the little break and shot off a series of quick photos. I didn’t get what I wanted but maybe I’ll have better luck next year. The search for next year’s card photo continues…


It’s Christmas Eve

I just wrapped up my last minute errands so I’m all set for tomorrow. The house may not be perfect but it’s in better shape this year than ever before. The cats are both well and content. I have an awesome job with awesome people. I have much to be thankful for. In fact, I should be so happy that I’d be turning cartwheels if I could!


Then I turned on the TV. It was set to a news channel. What was the lead story? Another police shooting in MO., a white police officer and a minority teenager. It breaks my heart. This one was also fatal. These are mistakes that can’t be taken back. Once done its done. The family grieves but the officer will never be the same again either. I don’t know if it was a justified shooting or not and I, unlike many, will not judge because I wasn’t walking in either parties shoes.


Want to know  what the follow up story was? A shooting in an Atlanta movie theater! At least in this one no police were involved and the injured parties will survive. But I can’t help but ask myself how we reached this point.

I am not a proponent of gun control. I don’t want to ban handguns and rifles, maybe assault weapons, but not the rest. I grew up around guns. I had my own 22 and a 30-06. Shooting was fun. My family all hunted and we ate the meat from our kill but pointing a gun at another human being…it would never have crossed our minds.


It’s Christmas Eve. This should be a happy time of hope and joy. Instead families are grieving and fingers are being pointed.  Police are on guard and demonstrators are out of control. This is a sad state any time of year …but come on people! According to legend, even a war stopped for Christmas! (The Christmas truce  was a series of widespread but unofficial ceasefires along the Western Front around Christmas 1914)

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My wish this year is for Peace and Understanding to touch the hearts and minds of all. Santa, please bring JOY to the World!


God Bless Us Every one!


Frozen – Town Green 2014

Taunton Green 2014

Taunton Green 2014

I made a trip over to the “Green” and used my new camera for the first real time. I’ve been snapping pics around the house but this was my first real photo excursion. Maybe it was me and that the camera is still a bit unfamiliar but I don’t think I really captured the beauty of the display this year. But I promised to share so here they are. The theme is Frozen loosely based on the Disney movie.

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The big tree is crooked. I doubled checked and it wasn’t me it was the tree. 🙂

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It’s Still the Christmas City

In this era of political correctness where formerly mainstream concepts have to take a “back seat” to the minority out of “sensitivity”, I am proud of my City of Taunton. Since December 1914, the city of Taunton has provided a large annual light display each December on Taunton Green, giving it the additional nickname of “Christmas City”.

Taunton Green 2010

Taunton Green 2010

Each year a banner proudly proclaims “The Christmas City” over the display in the center of town. The display includes angels (gasp), and a nativity scene, (What!), a menorah, and even Santa Claus and to the best of my knowledge there has not been any complaint. Everyone I know looks forward to the Lighting of the Green. Every year, no matter the theme, the paths are lined with lighted Christmas trees, and families stroll the lighted paths.

Taunton Green 2011

Taunton Green 2011

It’s beautiful. Soft music, Christmas Carols, is piped in playing in the background.

Taunton Green 2012

Taunton Green 2012

For the last several years, since I got interested in photography, I’ve made it a point to photograph the Green in all of it’s Festive Glory.

Taunton Green 2013

Taunton Green 2013

This is a time when Santa Claus is banned from school Christmas parties…oh sorry Holiday parties, and other towns change the name of the December School vacation from Christmas Vacation to Winter vacation. Everyone is so afraid to offend instead of fostering understanding, tolerance and mutual acceptance.

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Christmas trees are a pagan symbol but they have been embraced as a symbol of Christmas, a melding of different faiths. Beautiful decorated fireplaces are a tradition in many homes but the Yule Log was borrowed from the Wiccan celebration of Yule before it became associated with December 25.

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I am happy Taunton stands by its tradition and I hope it will continue for many years to come. I hope someday people of other faiths will not feel so threatened by a Christian holiday that they can embrace the festive beauty of the season and enjoy it too. You don’t have to be a Christian to appreciate the colorful lights and artistic displays.

Taunton Green 2014

Taunton Green 2014

I have no wish to offend my Jewish, Muslin, Buddhist and Wiccan friends or any other religion I may have missed but I will end this post in the spirit of the season.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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