Happy Birthday America

Photo by Deb Neumann

Happy Birthday America


Unidentified photo from the web

I’m not going to make this into a political post but the Good Ole USA really took some lumps this past year. Not the least with the uprising on the capital. Happy Birthday America! You made it! So glad you are still the home of the brave and the land of the free! 


Rain Rain Go Away

It looks like we’re going to have another rainy weekend. I keep making tentative plans and Mother Nature keeps putting a damper on them. I bought the Massachusetts State Parks Adventure Book. My plan is to  explore my home state on the weekends. First I’m amazed at how many state parks, forest, reservations and monuments there are! More than enough to fill every weekend for many summers. I’ve looked though the book quickly and there are a few that I’ve been to Like Bash-Bish Falls.

Bash Bish Falls 2017

There are 2 trail heads to the falls, one in Massachusetts and one in New York. The trail from the Massachusetts side  is pretty steep and rough, or at least it was in 2017.  It looked like it was downhill going to the falls. I figured easy to trip and fall going down and a real tough hike going back up. The trail from the New York side is a slight incline most of the way and in 2017 was well groomed and easy walking. That was the way I went. If I were going today I’d do the same thing.

Travel plans

With Covid restrictions being lifted I’ve started getting some travel plans on the books. I’m heading back to the Great Smokey Mountains in September when I visit North Carolina. I wanted to stay on the coast but couldn’t get accommodations when I wanted to travel so I’m “settling” for Sapphire NC, just outside  of Ashville. The Biltmore Estates is on the top of my to do list.
It was  also a 2nd choice for Colorado. I ended up booking  my vacation for July 2022 in Breckenridge, Co. To get into any of my top choices I would have had to go in winter. Not my idea of a good vacation. 

Now I’m looking for someplace warm for February. I was hoping for a new state but maybe I’ll end up going back to Florida or just staying home with my kitties for that vacation.  We’ll see. There’s still time to find something.

Dolphins Photo by Deb Neumann

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

It’s Memorial Day Weekend

The three day, aka long Memorial Day Weekend, is here.  You, service men and women,  gave, not just weekends, but your sometimes your lives, so that we can have the lifestyle we enjoy today. Things would be much different if not for you and your sacrifices. Thank you. 

Memorial Day is Different this year

No More Masks! COVID restrictions are in the past!  There’s a new   level of freedom to Memorial Day after a year plus of lockdown.  Time for the Family Bar B Ques and celebrations, except mother nature isn’t cooperating.  Looks line rain in the forecast for the whole weekend  making  the unofficial start of summer  a bit of a dud. 

Are We Traveling?

The American Automobile Association (AAA) is predicting that more than 37 million people will travel at least 50 miles over the weekend, representing a 60% increase over last year.

I’d say travel this weekend is back with a vengeance. Even I had plans to dust off the camera and head out. I was thinking about going into Boston. The Flag Garden is back on the Common this year. It’s made up of 37,000 small flags  each one representing a fallen service member dating to the Revolutionary War. I think that must be an awesome sight and I’d like to have some photos of it. 

And Speaking of Traveling

Lake George, NY 2020

I am getting restless. I said I’d wait until next year but I’m not so sure about that now. Time to pull out a suitcase to get the cats used to seeing it.


Colorado is a definite and maybe Branson,  Missouri.  I think I will do a quick day trip or two to New Hampshire and maybe a long weekend to Lake George. I guess I need to get planning! Travel is back!

Merry Christmas and Bye Bye 2020

Merry Christmas to all

It doesn’t feel like Christmas this year. The parties and holiday spirit just doesn’t seem to be here. I think it’s because we’ve spend almost a full year locked down. I didn’t even send Christmas cards this year. Oh I made them up and put them together ready to send but then I never got around to addressing them and putting them in the mail. Do I send them late, an after Christmas wish or save them for next year? In case I decide to save them, here’s my Christmas wishes to all.

Busch Gardens – Santa

Bye Bye 2020

I’m happy to be saying good bye to 2020. It wasn’t bad enough that we’ve spent most of the year in quarantine but we lost my beloved sister -in -law, Robin.


And I lost another  piece of my heart when my furry feline companion  of 19 years crossed the rainbow bridge in March.

Rocky’s spirit lives on in his namesake, Balboa. Rocky was named after Rocky Balboa from the Rocky movies. When I adopted Balboa I decided to keep his name. It just seemed to be the right thing to do.

So now I have Banner and Balboa to brighten up my days.


Banner & Balboa 2020

Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree

So with two kittens (Banner 6 months & Balboa 4 months)  in the house I decided to skip the Christmas tree this year. Then I found a cat tree that looks like a plant, maybe not a pine tree but at least a tree. The tree is a hit. Both cats tear around and through it.

I wanted to have a picture of  before and after. A picture of the cat tree and then a picture of it decorated as a Christmas tree. I figured if I used plastic ornaments the cats could play and not hurt anything. Wrong! I never got the lights on before Banner got them in his mouth and snapped the wire right in half.

So we have the tree but no decorations… this year. Just wait you guys, 2021 will be a different year!