What Are you Thankful For?

What Are You Thankful For?

Happy Thanksgiving! 2020 hasn’t been kind. We are all struggling with the “New Normal”. Many families have lost loved ones. It’s a sad, challenging year. But even in the darkest times, we need a Thanksgiving Day. We need to take stock and find that hidden blessing, that moment when we can see through the dark to the brighter day ahead.

I’m Thankful for…

So let me help you get started. Try to list 10 things you’re thankful for in 2020. Here’s my list:

  1. My Family- I may not see them often as we are scattered and I may not hear from them often, we all have busy lives. But in my heart I know there are there for me if I need them. I know they love me and I love them even if we don’t say it.  This is a big virtual huge to all of them!
  2. My furry four legged family- Banner and Balboa, my two kittens are a daily source of joy. They make me laugh with their antics and Balboa especially is a cuddle bug, in my lap whenever I sit down but it’s Banner that snuggles in with me at night. 
  3. My home- My condo is small and needs upgrading but its home.  Owning my own home allows me to have pets and not worry about what a landlord might say or do.  
  4. My job- In this time of COVID many people are losing their jobs and even business owners themselves are not immune. Restaurants are struggling and many will not survive. Even at my job folks were laid off and furloughed in the beginning of the pandemic although most have come back and we are in a hiring phase. For now it appears my job is safe.
  5. My Health – Oh I have my aches and pains for sure. You don’t reach senior citizen status without earning a few age related hiccups like arthritis or diabetes. But it could be worse. My doctors think I’ll be around a while.
  6. My Doctors- When you get older you don’t have “A” doctor you have a team. I’m lucky to live in Massachusetts where health care is top notch. I have a great Primary who heads up a team of specialist to keep me tuned up and kicking along.
  7. Health Insurance- So speaking of health in this day and age that means you have to have health insurance. The company I work for provides a generous health care plan that includes vision and dental all for a reasonable employee contribution. I never have to ask myself if I can afford to go to the doctor or fill that prescription.
  8. My friends – My friends are special. COVID has meant that I don’t see them as much. We don’t sit outside to chat anymore. We don’t go out to restaurants for lunch but they are in my thoughts.
  9. Caring, warm co-workers. They are more friends than colleagues and show it in many ways. –
  10. And Number 10… I’m thankful for the beautiful area of the country where I grew up and can still go visit. Lake George- Truly a gem

So what’s on your Thankfulness List?

Right now the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is on top of my today list! How about you?


Happy Thanksgiving everyone


A Sure Sign Of Fall

New England Colors 2018

Its a Sure Sign Of Fall

Turkeys behind the office- Canton MA 2019

A sure sign that its fall in New England isn’t just the colorful foliage. Its the return of the turkeys. Some communities have reported the turkeys all year ’round but I usually see them in the fall.  How brave these birds are …or maybe stupid…to show up right before the big day. You know the one, pie, stuffing green bean casserole and oh yeah, that big bird in the middle of the table ready for carving. Do you suppose these wild birds know that we use turkeys that we grew just for the purpose of eating? 

Wild Turkeys Canton MA Oct 2019

Wild Turkeys are Mean

The wild turkeys we have around here are bold and aggressive. They have been known to trap motorists in their cars. They are either stupid or very brave as they show no fear of humans. Me, I’m kind of on the fence. I’ve been threatened by more Canada Geese than I have Turkeys. I like to photograph them. Now that I know they are back I plan to bring the good camera with me instead of relying my cell phone camera. I love when the males start strutting around, fanning their tails and displaying for all the lady turkeys.

Strange Turkey Behaviors

There was a turkey video that made it on to an Animal Planet show and I recently saw it again on “Strange Evidence”. Filmed in Randolph MA it seems to show a satanic turkey ritual. Why not? Randolph Is  only  a hop skip and jump from Salem MA. Why not a Coven of Turkeys?

Watch Out Turkeys

So all you Turkeys out there whether wild or witches BEWARE.  Turkey hunting season is upon us. Yes here in MA we can start defending ourselves on October 22. There are still some folks who prefer a wild turkey rather than domestic turkey for the center piece of their Thanksgiving table. 


Welcome 2018

2018 is a New Year

Like it or not 2018 has arrived. It’s a New Year. Did you stay up until midnight to watch the ball drop? Did you toast the New Year with champagne and wine? What about resolutions? Are you one of those people that make a list of resolutions? How long do you stick to them? I confess I did none of these things. I stayed home, warm and toasty and went to bed about 10:30 pm. What a bore I am! I didn’t make a resolutions list either. I prefer to think of things I want to “throw out” from 2017. Once something is “out” there’s room to add something new in.

What to throw out in 2018?

  • Thoughts that spin around and around in your head the minute you  try to go to sleep. All those insecurities that you hide so well during the day and seem to pounce as soon as you snuggle into bed. Well, Be Gone! Be Gone I say! You know most won’t come true and the ones that do, well you’ll just prove them wrong. In 2017 my motto was “Let It Go” and it worked! Doing the same in 2018!

Another Let it Go moment

  •  Let go of the things you did wrong, accidentally or on purpose.   You are human and mistakes happen. Sometimes its a bad judgement call  on your part other times it’s just a mistake. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Move on. Let It Go! This is actually a bit harder than the last one but I’m going to try.

All those Negative People

  • We all know them. People that seem to have a dark cloud hanging over their heads. The only thing they like to share is how bad everything is, their life, the world, and if you let them, they’ll convince you that your life is pretty bad too. Even if it’s not! Time for some new friends. Spend less time with Mr or Mrs negativity and surround yourself with fun, happy folks who see the good in life.

Welcome 2018

I don’t know what 2018 has in store for me but I know one thing. I am going to do my darnedest to live it to the fullest. So hello 2018. Cheers to you!

Happy New Year Everyone!


Celebrate the Holidays

December is a Month of Holidays

Happy Holidays or is it Merry Christmas? It is Christmas Day, the end of December. December 25 to be exact. Since Thanksgiving the world has been going mad with Christmas spirit. Displays in stores, Christmas Carol’s on the radio, Christmas movies on TV, Christmas everywhere. Even if you aren’t Christian it’s hard not to get caught up in the frenzy.  You have Santa Claus at the mall and even the Grinch! 

Snow for Christmas

This year will be a white Christmas in many areas. Folks are embracing the cold as just part of the season. No offence to Old Saint Nick but you can keep the North Pole weather right where it is, up north, at least as far as I’m concerned. OOPS ! Did that sound grinchy? I’m just not a fan of the cold.

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

It seems to me that the Christians in the world know Christmas stands for the birth of Christ but in this modern world it’s just a commercial holiday. It’s meaning much like Labor Day, Memorial Day and so many other holidays has been diluted. For the religious that’s bad but think about it another way.  The holiday has become a season of celebration for many people of diverse backgrounds. They may not join in the religious aspect but they enjoy the lights, the music and the joy of the season. I have Jewish friends that celebrate Hanukkah in December and also join in with the Christmas parties that abound. And what about Kwanzaa which celebrates African Heritage.

Lots of December Celebrations

There’s lots of celebrations in December so maybe Happy Holidays is the best choice. 

  • Saint Nicholas Day (Christian)
  • Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexican)
  • St. Lucia Day (Swedish)
  • Hanukkah (Jewish)
  • Christmas Day (Christian)
  • Three Kings Day/Epiphany (Christian)
  • Boxing Day (Australian, Canadian, English, Irish)
  • Kwanzaa (African American)
  • Omisoka (Japanese)
  • Yule (Pagan)
  • Saturnalia (Pagan)

Don’t forget Season’s Greetings

And finally, there’s Season’s Greetings. Maybe this is the best choice of all. Not everyone is happy this time of year. I know many families and individual’s that are missing loved ones. Some have passed on other are estranged some are fighting wars in far off lands. Some families are struggling with illness or other hardship. It’s easy to forget that not everyone is happy during this time of year. Lets be gentle and tolerant and remember that many struggle in this season of joy.  I’ll end this missive with a nice generic

Season’s Greetings to all!



Happy Birthday America

Happy Birthday America

Happy Birthday America. You are facing many challenges today but you’ve seen worse since your birth. You have survived the murders of 4 of your presidents. Abraham Lincoln was the first.Lincoln Assassination A shocking act that couldn’t have come at a worse time. Honest Abe’s death left you in a turmoil, carpetbaggers and reconstruction fanned the flames of hatred between North and South. Lincoln never had the chance to “bind up the nation’s wounds”. But you survived.

A lesser known President

Not as well known as Lincoln, your 2nd president to die from gunshot was James A. Garfield. Only 4 months into office he was shot for revenge. Who knows what he could have done had he lived.

And then there were three

William McKinley had led you to prosperity, added territory in the form of Puerto Rico and the Philippines. He should have been well loved but a disturbed individual who adhered to the doctrine of anarchy took his life as he reigned triumphant in his 2nd term! wWilliam McKinley marker with flags

And John Makes Four

John F Kennedy was the fourth successful assassination. Kennedy had guided us to the moon and prevented a third world war with nerve wracking brinkmanship over the Bay of Pigs. And then he was gone. War raged in Vietnam and our commander in chief was dead. And yet, you survived.

Newspaper heading announces JFK is dead

Today is an uncertain world

I am no historian but in my 60 plus years I do not remember a time when we were more divided. Can our polarizing president overcome today’s divisions and, to borrow from Abraham Lincoln, “bind up the nations’s wounds?”  Only time will tell.

The best country in the world

You have hard times ahead I’m afraid. America , you have been through worse. This too shall pass and you will be stronger for it. Happy Birthday America. Celebrate!