In Search of the Perfect Christmas Card

Its hard to believe another Christmas has come and  gone and the count down to the new year begins.   One of my favorite parts of the holiday traditions is making my special Christmas Cards.

The photos I use are always from the year before. In other words, I will use a photo from this year for next year’s card and so on. I do this so I won’t feel too stressed out looking for a last minute holiday picture. Usually I have something in mind. Last year I planned a trip to Disney World with the sole intention of finding a picture for my card this year. The result was the train.


A few years ago I wanted to use one of the decorated homes in town.

Christmas house

One year I was trying to get a good candle picture for my cards.

candlemerge copy

So with a possible card theme in mind I took off to Jackson NH for a day trip.  Now a drive to Jackson from Taunton is about 4 hours.  I figured I’d have about two hours there to get the  special picture and then I’d need to head back home.

What I had in mind was a sleigh ride drawn by a team of horses. “Dashing through the snow”…but when I arrived in Jackson, there was no snow! Oh Oh. Strike one.


Strike 2 was that to go on the Jingle Bell Chocolate Tour you had to be staying at one of the Inns. There was no room at any of the Inns, not that I really had time to stay overnight.


Strike 3 was no sleighs (since there was no snow) well, in a way there were sleighs. They were mounted on wagon frames.


To make a long story short, I didn’t get the photos I had visualized and at this point I don’t think they will make the cut for next year’s card but you never know. It all depends on what other shots I come up with. I had a good time and met some nice people and that’s what’s really important.

Christmas Eve

It’s Christmas Eve day and I have the tree lights on and carols playing in the background. I’m making my list for one last run to the grocery store. But I want to take a minute to share my adopted home town through the years. I live in Taunton, MA nicknamed  “The Christmas City.


Taunton Green 2010

Long before I moved here Taunton earned the name Christmas City for it’s Holiday display at the intersection of Routs 44 and 138. All roads led to Taunton back in those days. In 1914 when the tradition began there was no Route 24, 95 , 495 or 128. If you wanted to get someplace south of Boston  you probably had to go through Taunton.

Taunton Green 2011

Taunton Green 2011

I moved to Taunton in 2006 but I didn’t start photographing the “Green” with it’s Christmas Display until 2010. But I have made an effort to document the different displays every year since.

Taunton Green 2012

Taunton Green 2012

I hope you enjoy this visual visit to The Christmas City, past and present.

Taunton Green 2013

Taunton Green 2013

Taunton Green 2014

Taunton Green 2014

Taunton Green 2015

Taunton Green 2015

And last but not least, this year, 2016. The Holiday Train, Polar Express or however you want to think of this iconic Christmas Present, is the theme  this year.

Taunton Green 2016

Taunton Green 2016

Nice Job Taunton. Easy to see why you are The Christmas City!