One more food post

Ok, I get it. You like the travel posts better than the food reviews, Ahh if only I could afford to travel enough to keep you, my loyal followers, satisfied.  Every now and then I have to unpack my suitcase and spend some quality time with my cats, work some overtime to replenish the travel fund, and recharge my own batteries.

I love traveling but I subscribe to the  Go, Go , Go philosophy of much to see, so little time. I would never be able to hang out on a beach, I’d feel like I was missing too much.  That’s not to say a beach vacation isn’t a perfect one for  a lot of people…just not me. Since my vacations are so high energy sometimes I need to get home and back to my normal routine to recharge my batteries. That’s when finding interesting topics to share becomes a real challenge.

So the bottom line here is that I have one more food tale for you then I’ll leave that subject for a while.

The Sailing Cow Cafe has closed up for the winter season now. The last weekend was Columbus Day which seemed early this year. As part of the last weekend festivities they had a band and the invited me to come down to take pictures of their customers. They called it Photos on the Beach by Dusty Roads Photos.

My friend Nancy and I went down for 10 am and stayed until 3pm. It turned out to be a beautiful day, if a bit cool by the water. The Cafe had us put a sign in the window and gave us a table outside to set up a display. Nancy is a power house when it comes to talking to people. She was busy handing out my business cards and brochures while I talked to the people who stopped to look at the cards and pictures I’d brought for display.

Everyone was enthusiastic and we gave out a lot of information but that was as far as it went. No one was up for a picture of themselves. Oh well, as far as publicity it was a great success. We met 2 women trying to get a dog park off the ground. They were very interested in the pet photography side of my business. I got ideas of things to make another such event more successful.

Being at The Sailing Cow from 10:00- 3:00 meant we had a chance to sample the food. We had muffins for a quick breakfast and all I can say is WOW. They were great. The breakfast menu had all the usual breakfast items and they looked good too but we wanted to keep it light. Others must have felt the breakfast was good too because they had a full house.

After we finished our agreed time frame (10am-2pm) we stayed a little longer to listen to the band and have a quick lunch.

One of the owners had told us they made the best onion rings so I had to try them. They were great. Very thinly sliced and fried crisp… they were excellent. The side order was easily large enough for both of us.

On a more healthy note we shared a turkey wrap. Getting a jump on Thanksgiving. For once I remembered to take a picture before we dug in.

Well, that’s all the food reviews for now. I promise to try to find something more exotic to tell you about next time. 🙂

Remember: for all your unique greeting card needs visit:

Holiday cards are coming. For a more “commercial style” check out the offerings at:

Kinda Quiet These Days

Life seems to have slowed down a little. Cooler weather is starting to move in. We had a touch of frost a couple of nights ago but then temps rebounded back to the 70’s.  We haven’t had much sun so far this October…no “October’s Bright Blue Weather“. Maybe the poem could be called September’s Bright Blue Skies.

The first half of 2013 looks like it may be quite busy for travel.  On the books is a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico; a few days in Florida to visit the Everglades; and an 11 day cruise to Alaska in May. Because of all those fun but expensive plans, I’ve been staying close to home since I got back from the Balloon Festival in September.

Doing a bit of overtime at the real job while I can get it. It all helps with the bills and travel expenses.

Friday I posted some food pictures. I didn’t have time to say much about them then so I’ll update you now. When we went down to meet with the owners of the Sailing Cow Cafe it was on a Tuesday and the Cafe was closed for business because it was on it’s “Off Season” schedule. Since we couldn’t get lunch there we decided to go to the Kreme and Kone in Dennis.

There is also a 2nd restaurant in Chathem. This would be one of the last chances to enjoy  a visit there this season as they are closing Oct. 21. until next summer.

Just about everything at the Kreme and Kone is fried, a typical seaside style restaurant, but as long as it doesn’t become a daily habit it can’t be too bad, right. The weather was nice (It was still in September when we went) so we took advantage to sit outside on the deck.

We watched kayakers and water birds in the tributary behnd the “Kone” while we enjoyed lunch. A light breeze made it comfortable in the sun.

Nancy had the Fried Shrimp.

Nancy ordered the shrimp as a “side dish” because we knew from past visits that there was more than enough french fries and onion rings on the “plate” for two or more people. So the picture of the Onion Rings and Fries is my “plate” and all that deep-fried yumminess is hiding the best part of the “plate”….fried scallops.

The hardest part of food photography in my opinion is remembering to take the picture before you dig in!

Scenic Train to North Creek

OK I have a confession to make before we get started. I don’t know how scenic this train ride was at all.  Four of us took the trip, my sister, my mother and my aunt…my mom’s sister-in-law. But let me start at the beginning.

Saturday dawned very gray and overcast. The forecast was for rain and we just hoped it would hold off until we got back home in the afternoon. Everyone met at my sister’s house so we could go to the train station together. Lorna, my Aunt, volunteered to drive because she had the biggest car, an SUV.

The train ride starts in Saratoga, NY and ends in North Creek, NY home of Gore Mountain Ski area. Sandy and I were hoping the foliage would be in high gear but we were about a week too early. As it turned out it didn’t matter anyway. I don’t think anyone spent too much time gazing out the windows. We could call our train ride the Reunion Train. Although we occasionally tried to figure out what river or body of water we were passing, most of the trip up and back was playing “catch up” , reminiscing and just plain having fun chatting. On the trip north the seats faced each other so it made conversation amongst the four of us easy.

When we arrived in North Creek there was a bus to take folks to Gore Mountain if you wanted to ride the gondola to the top of the mountain. That idea got vetoed pretty quickly so we had the option of taking a golf cart up the hill to main street or walking up the hill.

We may have been a band of Senior Citizens but we chose to walk.

North Creek seems to be pretty much the main street and that’s it. We strolled along looking in the windows and checking menus. We had arrived about lunch time. There were lots of tempting menus but we finally settled on Marsha’s. It turned out that it was a good choice. There was that Open Faced Hot Turkey sandwich again! This one was most definitely fresh roasted..delicious. If you get to North Creek you have 3 recommendations for Marsha’s Hot Turkey sandwich!

Lunch over we still had about an hour to kill so we crossed the street to visit a gallery that was located next to a Pizza place with the name of “Pete’s Ahh”. Very creative!

The Gallery was beautiful. So many lovely arts and crafts from photo postcards (very similar to what I do) to paintings, glassware, even clothing. All the items in the shop are on consignment and all of the artists are local. I asked because I thought maybe I could put some of my work in there but they shot that idea down quickly (but nicely). I don’t live in the Adirondacks anymore. They’d take my work if I ever move back.

Near the door on the ceiling were some metal things. I didn’t realize they were pipes. Someone asked what they were and the clerk said “rain”. She walked to the wall and threw a switch and sure enough, it began to “rain” . The pipes followed above a “creek” in the floor where goldfish swim. When the pipes are turned on the water drips slowly like a gentle rain. You walk over the bridges to get to different parts of the shop.

As we left the gallery the rain that had been threatening outside began to come down for real so we headed back to the train station. There was a covered deck with benches and chairs so we settled in to wait for the train.

I didn’t take too long before the train arrived and soon it was all aboard for the return trip to Saratoga. This time the seats were more traditional in rows. We could have sat in a row of 3 with one  across the aisle but we chose instead to sit 2 and 2. Sandy and Lorna in the front 2 seats and Mom and me in the 2nd set of seats.

The rain was coming down pretty good now and it was getting very dark for so early in the afternoon. We got back to Saratoga around 6pm and hurried back to Sandy’s so that everyone could scatter to their own homes before the weather got any worse.

Just as Sandy and I were about to address the question of dinner a knock announced the arrival of George and Kelly and the kids. They arrived bearing Pizza..yumm so the question of dinner was solved and I got to enjoy a visit with some more of the family. The 40 balloon “Moon Glow” at the airport was rained out but I had completely forgotten about it anyway.

What a great day with all of the family!

Congratulations Frates Drive-In Restaurant!

Hey Taunton, Hey South Shore,  Hey visitors to our town! We have a really special restaurant right here in Taunton! Not too long ago I gave a shout-out right here to Frates Drive- In Restaurant because they were voted the Best Ice Cream in New England.

Well, they almost did it again. They were runner-up in the voting for the best Hot Dog! Not bad. This isn’t just a town thing…this is all of New England. This is NECN’s Baby you’re the Best contest.  Recently I tried the hot dog  and sure enough, they have my vote too.

Now I have to admit that I am partial to good seafood and I’ve had their fish sandwich and their fish & chips…both are A+ in my book so New England, can we make them #1 for seafood?

As you can see they were doing a steady business when I was there for my hot dog.

Look at the smiling face on one happy customer! 🙂

And the Ice Cream is still the best!

Frates Drive -in Restaurant is located 1423 Somerset Ave, Taunton, Ma. Stop in and try them out for yourself and if you are on Facebook why not give them a thumbs up with a

I want to thank the young lady and her family for allowing me to use her picture in today’s post. See what nice people eat at Frates! 🙂

Bar Harbor, walkin’ the walk

Bar Harbor is a beautiful area sitting like it is in the heart of Acadia National Park.

Acadia is a bit different from most of the National Parks. It’s a patchwork made up mostly of land  and islands that have been donated for preservation. As I understand it, no more land is being accepted into the park although there are other preservation projects that may be available to potential donors.

The eastern portion of the park includes the 27 mile long loop road and 45 miles of carriage roads. The carriage roads are closed to automobiles but you can take a horse-drawn carriage ride or walk the well maintained roads.

We started our day with a traditional Maine breakfast at the Great Maine Breakfast. The traditional breakfast is the lumberjack breakfast, meat and potatoes, eggs and  pancakes. They had a jar of Berrylicious native blueberry jam on the table too.

Oh so good but neither JR or I could finish  our meal. It was a shame too because they were the best pancakes I’ve ever had in a restaurant…no offense to Denny’s or IHop.

After breakfast we (I anyway) waddled out to the car and picked up the cameras. I was hoping I’d see  a fellow we’d spotted the night before when I didn’t have my camera. He was providing me with my “kitty fix” for this trip. He had a pretty white and black cat that he was walking on a lease. I really wanted to take their picture but I didn’t see them this morning.

We moved the car to a better parking spot near a little park on the waterfront and began to explore.

There was a trail that reminded me of the Cliff Walk in Newport.

It ran along the water on one side and large homes and Inns on the other. I think it was about a mile long. We took our time taking plenty of pictures along the way.

Back at the car we decided to find the marina with the boat for the Puffin Tour. It looked to be too far to walk when we checked the map which is why we had the car this morning. It turned out that it would have been quite a hike.

From there we found our way to the visitor center at the park.  I forgot my National Park passport book in the room but I can get the stamp when we come back.  We picked up loads of handouts and information about the park, the trails and the activities. By then it was time to drive JR back to town where he planned to explore while I went looking for some funny little birds called Puffins!