Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy! I’m on vacation! I remember when I hated to take vacations. I was a workaholic to the “nth” degree! Things sure have changed!

When I think about the change I have to say it was probably 3-4 years ago when the economy first tanked.  The company I work for had always had unlimited overtime. There was more overtime than I knew what to do with. Even when I didn’t want to work I was asked to and then overnight it seemed the overtime was gone!

Ouch! I was earning almost half again my base salary and overnight it disappeared. Poof!  That kind of pay cut is going to smart no matter who you are. Even worse was the forced time off. I wasn’t accustomed to having all this time on my hands. At first I hated it. I had no idea what to do with myself  but slowly I got more used to it and began to cherish my time off. Now I look forward to every day I have off and get very excited over vacations whether I am traveling or not.

I already have some plans made for this one. One day I am going to The Adams National Historical Park in Quincy. I also plan to go into Boston to the MFA to see the Chihuly Exhibition. It’s only here until August 7 so I want to be sure to get in a visit there. I might have time after that  to visit the Boston Garden. It should be in full bloom by now and I know they just returned the swans, Romeo and Juliette to the pond. The swans spent the winter at the Franklin Park Zoo.

 Still on the drawing board is another trip to Cape Cod and maybe a Whale Watch tour. I haven’t had any luck from shore with pictures so maybe with so much action a boat tour would be more successful. Might even spot a great white shark!

I think I will also take a drive out the Mohawk Trail. There is so much stuff to see along that route  and I haven’t driven it in 30 years! I wonder how much it has changed. I got that idea when we went out to Magic Wings in Deerfield. The Mohawk Trail passes right by there.

In any case, I doubt that I will be bored. If I am I could do some housework:) I bet my pets would appreciate it if I stayed home a day or too as well. Maybe then they would be kinder and gentler toward me when I let them have their say in these pages 😉

Again, weather permitting, I want to go to Telegraph Hill in Hull. It overlooks the Boston Harbor so I want to see what kind of pictures I can get using my new 500mm lens. I have hardly used it since I picked it up. It would be nice to go at sunset to see if I can get some nice late afternoon shots.

I also want to practice with panoramic shots and “stitching’ photos together in post processing. I think it would be a good idea to practice that before I go to the Grand Canyon later this spring. As I so often say…so much to do, so little time!

Well I am off to start enjoying my precious time off. I don’t want to waste a minute. I will keep you updated right here!

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