Animal Kingdom ~ A Few More Pictures

As I mentioned in my last post on Animal Kingdom, I love this park. As a result I took loads of pictures here. I couldn’t fit them all in the last post so here’s a few I skipped.

I have to thank Joe for some of these pictures.

 I may have taken them but he’s the one who saved the day. I always carry an extra camera battery and SD cards. I brought both with me to Animal Kingdom but in an effort to travel “light” I left my camera case in the car. You guessed it. I filled my card and didn’t have another one with me! My extra cards were in my camera bag back in the parking lot! Joe saved the day because he had a pocketful of them. Thanks Joe. I wouldn’t have half these shots if you hadn’t come through!

We passed Pelicans on the safari.

But there were lots more birds in the aviary. As you can see, they have first class bird houses.

We also made a detour to Dino land.

Here are a few more shots from the Lion King.

And Finding Nemo

Anyone  want to wrestle a Komodo Dragon? It’s real not a statue even if it stayed pretty still.

Another Tiger stalked the grounds.

One look at these riders on the Mt Everest Coaster and you can see why I stayed on the ground! 🙂

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