Storm Stories

TheĀ  New England Blizzard of 2013 is winding down. The storm centers are starting to compare past major storms to this one. My favorite storm was the Blizzard of ’78 but I’d say this one was handled much better. With a driving ban starting yesterday at 4 pm they avoided having cars stuck on the expressway and stranded drivers which was one of the most horrific memories from ’78. The storm surges are still battering the coast with widespread evacuations but I haven’t heard too many reports of homes being washed into the sea the way they were in ’78.

I was a property insurance adjuster in 1978 so had first hand exposure to the devastation. Now in 2013 I’m a dispatcher for a telecommunication company so still on the front lines, just in a different way.

Here are some pictures from 10:30 last night.

Our Entryway door at the condo in Taunton

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Plowing the parking lot

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The tree in front of out building

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And then 9 am this morning.

Still snowing

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Nice job clearing our walk way

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And the stairs but what happens at the bottom???

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Wake me up when it’s spring.

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Where’s my car?

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Posted in Massachusetts, Weather and tagged , , , , .