Cygnet Check

Wednesday night and Thursday  afternoon Southeastern Mass was hit with high winds and heavy rains. Because of the nasty weather I didn’t get a chance to check on Mama and Papa Swan at Indian Grove Pond.

Friday was the last day before I leave for my trip so I was busy cleaning, packing and making sure all of the laundry was done. But the sun was shining and we hit 80+ degrees. Oh my, how the great outdoors was calling to me. Surely a few hours won’t set me that far behind.

I had to pick up a few things like band aids for the blisters I’m sure to get (I always do) and a new toothbrush. You know, just a few last-minute things. So when I finished that errand I just kept going! Yup had to do a “wellness check”.

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Mama & Papa were both right there. Mama looked hot. She had her beak open and was actually drooling but Papa was right there too. He does take his turn on the nest so I’m sure if she was really that uncomfortable she’d take a break.

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She did stand up so all of the eager watchers were able to see the eggs. All 6 were still there and no cracks yet. I guess there won’t be any cygnets before I leave but I bet there will be when I get back!

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