Norris Reservation

I love learning about little hidden gems of protected areas. Green spaces in the heart of urban Massachusetts, always a surprise, always a treasure.

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I guess it’s true that you can take the girl out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the girl. I grew up in the Adirondacks exploring the woods and fields and then I became “urbanized” , exploring the concrete jungle, museums, aquariums, zoos.  As I’ve grown older I’ve been increasingly draw back toward my roots. I’ve tired of traffic and gas fumes and crowds. I look for quiet places, woods and steams. I thrill to the sight of a hawk or osprey, a great blue heron or an egret; the flick of a white tail’s flag , a parade of baby geese.

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I follow the news of great white sharks off Cape Cod or the rescue of a baby harbor seal.

great white

So I was thrilled to learn of a little place called Norris Reservation in Norwell, MA.

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The day I was introduced to this little island of green was one of the hottest, most humid days we have had in this  summer of hot, humid days. But even with the uncomfortable conditions I met plenty of other walkers.

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Norris Reservation is  small, only about 2 miles of easy trails, but it wasn’t crowded. There are board walks and well groomed trails covered in pine needles.

scan0007Lovely stone benches along the way let you pause and contemplate the quiet beauty of the natural surroundings.

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I only explored about 1/2 of the trails on this, my first visit. I didn’t get to the tidal marsh or the bend in the North River.

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The literature speaks of a boat house and picnic areas that I still need to discover.

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My direction took me over a little bridge to a boardwalk around a pond. I heard something splashing in the water but I couldn’t see what it was. I sat on a bench and watched the fish rise and dragon flies zoom from flower to flower.

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In the distance I could hear children laughing and splashing…maybe a back yard pool?

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All in all not a bad way to spend a hot , summer afternoon.

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