A Message from The Mayor

I’m happy to report that I am now back home in Talkeetna, where I continue to mend. I must thank my brother from another mother, Morris The Cat, for helping to cover my medical expenses. All donations I’ve received that exceed my expenses will be donated to the Mat-Su Animal Shelter, to support fellow animals in need.
Unfortunately due to my strict recovery diet, I am unable to drink my usual catnip-laced water from my wine glass, but I do hope to be back in my normal routine in the near future. Thank you all for the cards, packages, donations, and Facebook love you’ve shown me during this difficult time. I do hope you will all consider moving to Talkeetna so that I can repay you with town-wide dance parties and mouse hunts, because let’s be real, there will be a party as soon as I’m back on my feet.
Love, Mayor Stubbs
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