Rocky the Flying Cat

From 1959 – 1964 the airwaves were filled with the Adventures of Rocky the Flying Squirrel and his side kick Bullwinkle the Moose. Their adventures included matching wits with the villains, Natasha and Boris, archenemies of the “Moose and Squirrel”.


I loved that show and wish I could say that Rocky the Squirrel was the inspiration for my cat’s name but it wouldn’t be true. He was actually named after the boxer in the “Rocky” movies. In the movies no matter how battered and beaten Rocky ended up, he never gave up, shook it off and came back to win the boxing match. Well, when I rescued my Rocky he was a tiny kitten and a young boy was abusing him. When I came racing to the rescue the kid tossed the kitten  into a shopping cart and ran. That little bit of orange fluff was so tiny he fell through the wire floor of the cart to the ground. As I approached, the kitten stood up, shook himself and headed for me with his wobbly little kitten walk.


When I took him to the vet they said I had to name him or they wouldn’t treat him. Rocky was the only name that came to mind. From that first day he embraced the name, even coming when I call “Rocky”.


Now 12 years later Rocky the Cat continues to be unique compared to any other cat I have ever shared a home with, and there have been many. He likes affection but barely slows down long enough to get any. He will cuddle but not in your lap…that’s another story for another time.

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Today is a classic Christmas Disaster Story.


I’ve been working from home now since July. When I do go out ( for meetings, photo shoots, shopping, life) the cats, Rocky, Smokey and Buddy all get very hyper when I return. It’s usually pretty funny to watch them all racing around. What a happy welcome!

This time it wasn’t so funny. My little 48 inch table top Christmas Tree was all set up in the living room. Rocky had shown some interest but that had begun to slow down as he got used to it. The other two cats paid it no attention at all.

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I was at a meeting in Dedham from 11am- returning home around 3pm and the cats were doing their run around crazy greeting. Buddy ran past the tree at ground level with Rocky in hot pursuit except Rocky decided to try for the “High Road”. He launched himself in a great leap that brought him down right in the middle of the tree. A little to the left and he would have flattened Buddy . Instead down crashed the tree to the floor where it landed on top of the shocked kitty. Still tangled in the string of lights, Rocky took off like a shot , dragging the tree across the living room floor, ornaments  scattering everywhere. Then Rocky broke free and made a bee line to the bedroom.

RIP Christmas Tree 🙁

scan0002I didn’t take pictures of the carnage. My first reaction was to unplug the tree to avoid a fire or electrocuting the cat. My 2nd reaction was to check Rocky for broken bones or cuts and scrapes. He seemed to be unscathed.

Then I returned to the living room to pick up the mess. The silence was strange. No curious cats poked in the wreckage or teasing for treats. No one was running around anymore. It was almost like they had all  put themselves in “time out”.


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The tree is back together. It’s artificial. Only one light bulb was broken. The ornaments are plastic or Styrofoam so no damage there. It lights up and I’ve re-trimmed it. Rocky the Flying Cat has checked it out…from a distance. The other 2 cats ignore it. Maybe I’ll get Rocky a cape to wear for Christmas.


Posted in animals, Holidays, humor, Pets and tagged , , , , .