A Little Bit of This and That

Happy Snowday everyone. 🙂 (Yes for those of you in warm climates…New England is getting snowed on right now)

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Wow, that was quite the honor yesterday, to be nominated for a blogger award. I truly appreciate it but the required post went way over my daily limit. 🙂 1500+ words instead of my usual limit of 400-500. I hope I haven’t used up all of my brain cells.


I’ve noticed my most popular posts are travel related or pet related, mostly the antics of my 3 cats, unfortunately I don’t think I’m original enough to post regularly with just those two subjects. It’s not that there isn’t enough material but rather my story telling has limitations. So I’ll just keep muddling along and hope you bear with me.

How’s the Christmas season turning out for all of you? I am so far behind I can’t even begin to describe it. I haven’t gotten my Christmas cards created much less addressed. I mean really, I sell cards. I can’t go to the store for them.

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I have to use my own products. I have one more client photo session that has to be done fast so I can get their cards to them and then I can work on mine. Not sure I’ll make the deadlines but maybe they’ll be New Years cards instead. Whats’ the story about the shoemaker’s children..something about them being shoe-less?

How about resolutions? Anyone started thinking about making any yet? I have 2-3 in mind and that’s probably the most I can handle. Not going to share yet. It’s too soon 🙂


My 2014 Interval Catalog came yesterday. Yippee! That’s the book of time share exchanges outside the ones that are free exchanges. These have a fee to swap but usually lower points. Maybe I should write a post on how that works. In the meantime I’ll be able to dig in and see what places I can consider for my 2014 vacation. Williamsburgh VA has been high on the list of possibles but I noticed more places near Jackson Hole listed so maybe I can go back to my original plan and go to Wyoming.

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Well Rocky just came over and sat on my keyboard. That’s a pretty good sign that I need to wrap this up before he deletes it.

Posted in commentary, humor, Pets, Travel and tagged , , , , .