Its A Blizzard Out There

Yesterday an unprecedented storm struck much of the east coast reaching blizzard conditions in many areas. Washington DC, Pennsylvania and NYC reported record snow fall. As the storm progressed northward it wound it’s way through Connecticut into Southeastern Massachusetts. Falmouth, Cape Cod, Plymouth were some of the communities most hard hit but I’m happy to report that in my little corner of the world the storm was just a snow storm.


And I’m also happy to say that my condo folks were right on top of the clean up.



Not everyone was upset about the snow.


Enjoy your day everyone!


Posted in animals, Life, Pets, Uncategorized, Weather and tagged , , , , .


  1. Is that dog the one I saw when I was over in Sept.? Looks like very little snow and that is always good news.

    • You might have seen him. I don’t remember. He’s just a lovable goofball. He lives on the the 3rd floor of my building. We probably got 6 inches, not too much and it should mostly melt this week. Fingers crossed.

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