
We’ve been to Hawaii…in fact we’ve been twice. Once to the Big Island and once to Oahu.

akaka falls

When we were on the Big Island we went looking for a Green Sand Beach. We never found it but I finally met someone who did.

green sand beach

She said they got there by off roading so we must have been on the right track. We drove as far as we could in the rental and then I (the driver) chickened out as the road disappeared and got all rocky.

I recently found this guide book description of the road to the beach in question.

Keep in mind, driving to the actual beach is out for all but the most experienced off road drivers. Instead, most opt for a 2 1/2 mile hike each way along the wind swept and hot dusty deep rutted jeep roads.

Too bad. Would have loved to find that!

I wonder if there is a green sand beach on Maui?

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  1. I remember looking for the green sand beach. Love the picture of it wish we could have found it. Then we could have waded out into the ocean and told everyone we were on a green beach. 🙂

  2. I remember looking for the green sand beach. I wish we found it then we could have waded out into the ocean. Nice picture of the beach. 🙂

  3. Green sand beach was spectacular, I was just there this December you have to visit on a return trip let me know if you ever need directions. No green sand on Maui, but an AMAZING red sand beach along the road to Hana.

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