I am a Wimp

I am a wimp. There I admit it. Last weekend the cold in the northeast smashed all records. With wind chills we were being warned about frost bite in 10 minutes!

With this dire prediction I got up at 4:30 am to drive to Scituate Ma to take pictures of the “sea smoke”. I wanted to get there around dawn.

sea smoke

Sea smoke is a phenomenon where fog wisps up off the water like smoke tendrils. The bitter cold and the warmer ocean were perfect conditions. But I am a wimp.

I got as far as sticking my nose out from the warm, toasty covers before I pulled the covers back over my head and went back to sleep.

Bed 002

I was really ashamed when I saw the absolutely beautiful photos my friend Sean took. I wish I could share them with you but I don’t have his permission . Search him out on Face Book. You’ll see some great pictures.

Sean Goss photography

Posted in lighthouses, Photography, Uncategorized, Weather and tagged , , .


  1. That is not a wimp. That was common sense. I about froze just going out to get the paper. The wind is what made it so cold.:-)

    • True but a real intrepid photographer would have bundled up and got the shot. 🙁 I think if I’d lived closer to the ocean I’d have done it but I couldn’t face the cold and the drive.

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