Why I started to Blog

I was just cruising some of the other travel blogs out there and I ran across Little Miss Traveler.


 On the very first page, about the author, she talked about why she started her blog. She wanted to have an online diary of her trips.

I couldn’t agree with her more!

I started my blog because I was afraid I’d become one of those people that always comes back from a trip and invites everyone over to  show off her “home movies” or slides or photos. You know the ones.  You get the invite and cringe. If you’re family you probably can’t get out of it and if you’re a neighbor and you don’t go you’ll be seeing me at every turn. And co-worker?  Well my my, you are a captive audience from 9-5! There is no escape!

So as I saw myself becoming that person that everyone dreads I needed another way to share my stories to the folks that really wanted to know about my vacations. After considerable thought and many stops and starts  this blog was born. Now you can visit when you want, read what you want and even make comments (which I will answer) when you want. No Boredom!

So  it’s been around for awhile now. If you’re curious about my very first post you can read it here. It was  posted on September 8, 2010


Little Miss Travels says her blog has evolved into an online resource providing inspiration to other travelers. I would be so lucky if my little tales could do the same. In fact I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the future of my little blog. My purpose has evolved over the years. I travel with more passion now and my motivation is different. I think I need to make some changes so aroundustyroads grows with me.

I’m just not quite sure what that will entail but I think after 7 years it’s time to shake things up a bit. You can be sure you will be one of the first to know. For now, stop by Little Miss Traveler’s blog and say Hi. and please visit my archives to find some really early posts.

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  1. Lovely post and your blog is inspirational. You’ve inspired me to take better pictures on vacation and actually keep a journal so won’t forget the little details along the way. As far as your writing goes, i think that’s what makes this blog of your such a treat. You write in such a friendly manner that it’s comforting to your readers. Keep up the awesome job, and thank you for sharing your travel journey with us.

    • Oh Roxana! Thank you so much. I think of my readers as my friends even if I’ve never met you in person so I try to write like I would talk to you if we were visiting over a cup of coffee or maybe a little something stronger ( just for fun of course!) It’s so nice to know I’ve given you a little inspiration. I plan to keep writing away 🙂

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