Cherry Blossom Update

I’ve been following the NPS (National Park Service) predictions about the peak bloom especially closely since we had the Blizzard of 2017. Washington DC did not escape the snow and cold.

The warm January and February had encouraged the cherry trees to accelerate their blooms which is why the NPS initially thought peak bloom would be March 14-17. Then they pushed it back to March 19-22.

Did you know that Peak Bloom is only 1 day, not the whole prediction? There are also the Kwanzan Cherry Trees that bloom about a month after this first round. They appear unharmed from this cold snap and are predicted to bloom in April.

Right now it’s looking like the so called Peak Bloom may be rather subdued. One NPS employee was quoted as saying it would be the worst bloom in 100 years. Comments from Cherry Blossom insiders refer to a lot of brown from the cold damaged buds. “They are hanging limp, looking like they have been singed by fire.” So sad.

I’ll know soon enough if all these nay-sayers are telling the truth. Even if the Cherry Blossoms are a dud this year, I’ll get to see the monuments. Its been almost 50 years since I was in DC last. I think it was 1970 or 71 so that would be 46-47 years ago. I’m sure cherry blossoms or not that it will be a wonderful experience.



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    • A lot has probably changed since then. They have several new monuments. My favorite is FDR’s . It’s lovely with symbolic waterfalls and if there were Cherry Blossoms, they would be overhanging parts of it.

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