A great Day for The Manatees

Beautiful Weather for a Swim with Manatees

Manatee Face

Today’s the day I’ll swim with the Manatees. That is if I can find the tour group.  I’m up before dawn. Pick up time is 7:30 but I’m not sure where. I have an address but no internet. Google maps gave me directions on a map but then told me they couldn’t help any more because my phone was off line. I propped my phone where I could see the map, crossed my fingers and headed out in the dark. Walgreen’s was the only landmark. When after 30 minutes I had not found Walgreen’s I turned around.

Entry at Mainegate Lakeside Resort Ah The Miracle of Technology

As the sunrise turned the sky a gorgeous red my cell phone blinked on and google maps decided to cooperate. I managed to get headed in the right direction before it went off line again. I passed my resort and kept on going. Just as I reached the intersection of RT 192 it popped on again telling me to “take a left”. 2 blocks farther and there was Walgreen’s and my phone started yelling for me to turn right, turn right! Sure enough there was the resort, Maingate Lakeside Resort. My pickup location! It only took me 1 hr and 15 minutes to find it. It was really only 10 minutes from my resort, The Mystic Dunes.  I guess you could say I took the long way around!

My Fellow PassengersOur tour bus

I was the first to arrive but right behind me was a family of 4 from England. We chatted a bit until a big blue bus with Florida Dolphin Tours written on the side pulled up. Our ride was here. We piled in still chatting about England and America and travel in general. We stopped at several more resorts adding passengers until the bus was full, At that point our guide, Madeline, did a head count and handed out our breakfasts. Not bad for fast food. It quickly became clear that Madeline and I were the only American’s. We had the British Invasion on our bus. One fellow quickly advised us he was the exception. He was from Wales!

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