Iao Valley

Maui flowersA Lush Valley in the Middle of Maui

Time to find Iao Valley. I’ve had it on my bucket list for at least 3 visits. Each time the roads were under repair. The valley is located in the center of Maui. It’s one of the wettest sections of Maui. Its a real bonafide rainforest. The concierge told me she hadn’t been there lately but that the roads are open. I was looking forward to some tropical beauty after my negative experience the day before. I only have 2 more days of my vacation and tomorrow I have a whale watch booked.

Getting to Iao Valleywalkway bridge

It turns out it was really easy to locate the valley. It’s actually a State Park. The area is sacred to native Hawaiian’s as well as having great historical significance. The park consists of 4000 acres and is 10 miles long. I was on the main road on the Island, RT 30. It wasn’t long before I saw a sign pointing to the left. Immediately after the left the road split. To get to the park you keep right. The road dips down through a little neighborhood before it starts a twisting upward climb. Now homes are left behind. You go through a falling rock zone and then there you are. There’s a ranger kiosk where you pay a $5.00 entrance fee. Parking was scarce when I was there. It had been cloudy and rainy so with a clear day everyone turned out.

What to expectexhibit area

The trails are paved and easy walking. The climb to view the landmark Iao Needle is made up of paved steps for easy climbing. You enter the park over a little bridge. You can head on up toward the needle or take a side path down to an exhibition area that models the way the Valley used to look. Unless you are a serious hiker there isn’t a lot to do here but it is pretty. I think the history of the area is the most interesting thing about the valley. I’ll share more of that next time.

Iao Needle


Posted in Bridges, Hawaii, hiking, Maui, Travel, Vacation and tagged , , , .


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