Lunchtime Key Largo

Lunchtime Key LargoLunchtime Key Largo

It’s lunchtime in Key Largo. There wasn’t any concession stand in John Pennekamp State Park but when you pay your entrance fee they give you a receipt that you can use for re-entry. I’d picked up some of the tourist guide magazines and seen ads for the Fish House Restaurant. It was less than a mile from the park. I figured I’d go there.

Outdoor Seating?Lunchtime Key Largo

I admit I was a little self conscious as my bathing suit was still damp  but the waitress told me not to worry. The seats were waterproof. There were a few tables outside so I thought I might sit there but table service was all inside. There were whimsical statues outside like a parrot, a frog, and even a fisherman.



The Menu looked Great

They had everything…conch, shrimp, scallops, oysters. They even had New England Clam Chowder! I was stumped as to what to order until I saw Florida Lobster. That was it. I knew what I wanted. The waitress said the lunch portion was smaller than the dinner portion and that was fine with me. I didn’t need a huge lunch. I placed my order and settled back to wait.

Lunchtime Key LargoThe Decor

Waiting for Lobster to cook gave me chance to look around. The ceiling was covered with strings of fish lights. Any thing under the sea was included. They even had a jelly fish lamp hanging from the ceiling. Lunchtime in Key Largo, at least at the Fish House, was a fun and colorful affair. After I finished staring at the ceiling I looked around at the walls. There were paintings and artwork of all kinds all glorifying the sea. Lunchtime Key Largo




The lobster arrived! It looked scrumptious and it turned out that it was as good as it looked. I made short work of it. That should have been enough but I’m in the Keys! You have to have Key Lime Pie when you are in the keys.  A true Key lime pie is not green. Its a very pale yellow custard. Usually it’s topped with a whipped topping but the Key Lime Pie at the Fish House was topped with meringue. So yummy! I am definitely going to come back here again before my vacation is over! Lunchtime Key Largo




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