The Winter Brrrr

This past weekend we finally got a heavy snowfall. So far the winter hasn’t been too extreme. The weatherman keeps referring to 40 degrees as “seasonal”. Hmm I seem to remember it being much colder than than but I suppose they have the records. Anyway, this weekend we got a storm that ranged through southeastern MA. The mountains and NH only saw about 2 inches compared to our 1 1/2 – 2 ft.


I am born and raised in the north. I grew up in the Adirondacks but as much as I have fond memories of snowball fights, sledding and snow shoeing I just can’t seem to get excited about it now.


I saw my younger brother a few weeks ago and he was talking about getting out cross country skiing. Made me feel cold just listening to him. Still maybe I can force myself out to do some snow shoeing. Its only cold until you get started then you work up some internal heat as you tromp along.

Still if given the choice of of a brisk winter day or spending the afternoon snorkeling among the tropical fish, I’ll take the fish any day!


What am I doing living here!


That pretty much sums it up.

Photo #2

I’m still sorting through the Whale pictures. I went on quite a few whale watches this summer so there are a ton of pictures. I eliminated all of the flukes and tails because I have lots of those so they lack that “special” quality I’m looking for.

This one is another surface feeding humpback. I like this because of the boat in the background and the shoreline. It gives you as reference point for size and the relationship to the shore. The water depth is relatively shallow where these whales are feeding.DSC_3183 copy

Check out all of the gulls flying around hoping for an easy dinner.

Photo Number 1

Although I called this Photo Number 1, I don’t mean it’s necessarily the best. I mean it’s the first photo to make the cut.

This is a photo of a humpback whale “Surface feeding” as he skims the surface with his mouth open, the baleen strains the water out leaving the tiny fish and krill in his jaws.

The photo is sharp, can be enlarged and caught an unusual subject. It’s not everyday you see a whale feeding like this.

Baleen - Stellwagon Banks, Massachusetts Bay, MA

Baleen – Stellwagon Banks, Massachusetts Bay, MA

Anyone who knows me understands that I have a fascination with humpback whales. I’ve been following them and whale watching for over 30 years. This season was one of the best whale watch season I can remember. I even saw my first breaching whale. Unfortunately  it was too far away for the picture I got to pass the top 10 criteria test.


Humpback Breaching, Stellwagon Bank, Massachusetts


Christmas Eve

It’s Christmas Eve day and I have the tree lights on and carols playing in the background. I’m making my list for one last run to the grocery store. But I want to take a minute to share my adopted home town through the years. I live in Taunton, MA nicknamed  “The Christmas City.


Taunton Green 2010

Long before I moved here Taunton earned the name Christmas City for it’s Holiday display at the intersection of Routs 44 and 138. All roads led to Taunton back in those days. In 1914 when the tradition began there was no Route 24, 95 , 495 or 128. If you wanted to get someplace south of Boston  you probably had to go through Taunton.

Taunton Green 2011

Taunton Green 2011

I moved to Taunton in 2006 but I didn’t start photographing the “Green” with it’s Christmas Display until 2010. But I have made an effort to document the different displays every year since.

Taunton Green 2012

Taunton Green 2012

I hope you enjoy this visual visit to The Christmas City, past and present.

Taunton Green 2013

Taunton Green 2013

Taunton Green 2014

Taunton Green 2014

Taunton Green 2015

Taunton Green 2015

And last but not least, this year, 2016. The Holiday Train, Polar Express or however you want to think of this iconic Christmas Present, is the theme  this year.

Taunton Green 2016

Taunton Green 2016

Nice Job Taunton. Easy to see why you are The Christmas City!