Aye Calypso The Places You’ve Been To

Aye Calypso, I sing to your spirit

Calypso is still tied to the dock. I’m 15 minutes late but that’s on time by Island time. Racing to the gangway I am nearly knocked over by the force of the wind. These are no gentle Island breezes. It’s gusting and blowing like a hurricane. “We’re not going out in this are we? ” I call out. Tony, the first mate, waves a release at me and promises it will only get better. I’m skeptical. No captain in his right mind would take a boat load of tourists out in this kind of gale in Boston. By now I’m the last to board. I have to make a decision. To go or not to go, that is the question.

To ride on the crest of a wild raging storm

Ok so I signed the release, grabbed my gear and climbed to the bow of the 2nd deck. Almost immediately we cast off. Calypso is a beautiful catamaran. Her double hulls are built for stability. She has 3 decks as well as glass panels in the floor for those land lubbers that want to see what all the snorkeling and diving is about. The crew not only manages the ship, they act a servers too bringing around plates of fruit, muffins, warm cinnamon rolls and even egg and cheese croissants! 

To sail on a dream on a crystal clear ocean

So they were not wrong! As soon as we cleared  Ma’alaea Harbor and went around the point the wind died. We were heading toward Molokini and it had turned into a beautiful day. We had to come to an idle at one point while a mama humpback  whale and her calf checked us out. If a whale comes within 100 yards of a boat it puts that boat into “whale jail” until the whale moves off. The trip was just getting better and better and we hadn’t gotten to Molokini yet!


Travels of an Alaska Moose

Bull MooseTravels of an Alaska Moose

Marvelous Marvin is a traveling Alaska Moose down to his snowshoed hoofs. For years Marvin roamed the frozen Alaska tundra enduring the cold and snow and wind. Each year, especially in spring, he’d see buses of tourists drive through Denali looking for glimpses of wildlife. Marvin wondered where they came from and where they went when they left.  Was there more to the world than this rugged life he lived?

Escape from Denali

It took Marvin a while but he finally got hooked up with an entrepreneur type who knew just what the tourists would like. Before he knew it Marvin was starting on his first travel as an Alaska Moose. He was headed to a new home in Massachusetts.  It was still cold and snowy there in winter so Marvin felt quite at home. Summers were hotter and more humid than Alaska but the sun didn’t stay out as late so he got more sleep. But Marvin was still restless. You’d think a move of more than 3000 miles would satisfy his wanderlust but noooo, not Marvin. He wanted more.

Deb 1 & Deb 2 with Marvin at Mercedes Benz Stadium

Marvin’s Little Adventure

Marvin got his chance for a little adventure when he accompanied his human to Atlanta in Jan 2020. His head is still spinning about his visit to the Mercedes Benz stadium. He was really in demand there! He made so many friends. That place was huge. Still that trip was too short. Marvin was still restless.

Marvin’s Big Adventure

Marvin was thrilled and excited to learn that his human was making another trip to Maui, HI. Would she take him along? Marvin couldn’t wait. He was giddy with anticipation! Finally the day came. It was still dark out when he was bundled into the car for the drive to the airport. He was really going to get to go! What an adventure.


Marvin wasn’t prepared for Maui. It was beautiful. The airport was open to the breezes. The sun was shining and it was warm but not too warm because the winds were blowing. Driving to the resort Marvin saw whales splashing in the ocean. There were rainbows everywhere! Soo much water! And people stood on boards and seemed to fly over the waves! Amazing. So much to see and so much to do! Marvin was a very happy traveling Alaska Moose.


Fly the Friendly Skies with ?

Fly the Friendly Skies

Fly the Friendly Skies is the slogan for United Airlines. Southwest makes it fun. They have a multitude of slogans “Love Is Still Our Field”, “Just Plane Smart”, “The Somebody Else Up There Who Loves You”, “You’re Now Free To Move About The Country”, “THE Low Fare Airline,”“Grab your bag, It’s On!” and “Welcome Aboard.” The airline’s current slogan is “Low fares.Nothing to hide.”. Delta has requested trademark stats for The World’s Most Trusted Airline.” And what about American? I found 4 possible slogans for American Airlines

So do any of them live up to their slogan?

Who do you Fly with?

I fly Delta quite often. I used to fly Southwest but I got tired of their free for all boarding policy. Granted I think they are a good value but as I’ve gotten older comfort and convenience has trumped low fares, especially when the fare difference isn’t that much. It’s been awhile since I’ve flown United too but for no reason other than they either didn’t fly where I wanted to go or there were better schedules with other airlines. I haven’t had a problem.  I’m flying American Airlines to Hawaii when I take my next trip. So far they have been helpful and accommodating. I’ve had some issues with American in the past so I have my fingers crossed. Delta seems to be my airline of choice even though that’s the only airline I’ve ever seen a flight attendant totally lose it.  Yup, one had a complete melt down. Tore the intercom phone out of the wall and threw it across the cabin.  That’s the only time I’ve been disturbed enough to file a complaint.

It’s all about Attitude, Not Altitude

I hear all about the horror stories. I subscribe to several travel sites and hear the complaints. No airline is immune. I fly for business a couple of times a year and I fly for pleasure 2-3 times a year. That doesn’t put me in the same category as those million mile folks but I’d say that’s probably above average in experience. The way I cope is to chill out. I try not to let the little things get to me. Travelling can be stressful so if your plane is late or you have to be re-routed will it really make a difference? Will you still get where you’re going? I’d much rather have a plane grounded for mechanical problems and my trip delayed than to take off and have an engine fail at 30,000 ft. I go into travel with the attitude that things are going to go wrong. Deal with it. Consider it an adventure.  This means that I don’t yell at the gate attendants, flight attendants or anyone else connected with my experience. And do you know what? They always try to help me out.

 My Favorite Airline

There’s good and bad with all the airlines. There are surly TSA agents and there are friendly out going, helpful ones. There are crowded airports and long lines. It can be exhausting, confusing and just plain irritating.   I really think having a good attitude goes a long way to getting  help when you need it. Sure, I’ve had my share of experiences with grumpy attendants but take a minute to watch how the average traveler treats these employees. I don’t blame them for being rude or less than helpful when they are verbally abused by a good number of passengers. Courtesy is a two way street. Remember, expect the unexpected and roll with it. And the next time you need help try honey instead of vinegar. It might help.



The Road To Hana is a Very Scary Road

The Road To Hana is a Very Scary Road

I know I’ve been neglecting adding posts lately but I have been working on things. I’m re-writing some of my earlier blog posts for a writing course I’m taking. I’d like to share one I just finished about a experience I had on the Road to Hana in Maui.  Originally this was 2 blog posts from my trip in 2017. After taking the writing course I condensed it down to under 800 words and made it 1 story. So here it is. I hope you enjoy this revised version.

My Road to Hana Mishap (or how I scared myself silly on one of the most dangerous roads in the US)

My heart is pounding like a jack hammer. My hands are shaking and sweating. My whole world has shrunk to this place, this minute. How did this happen? How did I get myself into this situation. How COULD I let this happen!? 

It’s a beautiful Hawaiian morning. Blue sky, a few fluffy clouds. Nothing to give me a hint of what was to come, a perfect start to a picture-perfect vacation in paradise.  The scenery takes your breath away  but that’s not why I’m having trouble breathing now. No, I’m sitting in my rental car, a jeep SUV, with the chassis balanced on a large rock; a boulder really. My left front tire is up in the air and my right fender is flush with a solid wall of dirt and clay. There’s a 100+ foot drop off to my left.

Don’t go on the Road to Hana the car rental people said. Your insurance will be void. My Insurance! What about my life? Right now its flashing before my eyes!

Be sure to turn around at mile marker 38 they said at the resort. Whatever you do, don’t go past Mile 38. I swear I never saw it. I saw whales playing off the coast. I saw green hills and blooming flowers. I did not see Mile Marker 38.

So now I’m parked precariously on my rock on a one lane dirt road that is barely clinging to the side of the mountain. I can see the nonexistent shoulder crumbling. There are about 20 cars behind me. They can’t move forward until I do. There are 2 cars trying to go down the same road I’m on. They refuse to back up. I can’t back up with 20 cars behind me. Driver #1 is screaming obscenities at me. I don’t know what to do. I’m as far off the road as I can get. If I close my eyes, I see my car, with me inside, plunging over the edge. Yup I’m about to become a statistic.A footnote tale of caution for tour guides to tell their guests.

People are starting to leave their cars to gather around. They shout instructions, wave their arms and offer advice. It doesn’t change the fact that there are 2 cars face to face on a one lane road. Something has to give and about that time it does. Driver  #1 , his patience worn out, suddenly guns his car. Spectators scatter as Driver # 1 barrels past me. He makes it! As a final gesture of good will he flips me the bird on his way to intimidate the next driver in line behind me. 

Driver #2 now creeps forward. The spectators urge him on. Ever so slowly he manages to force his car up to my boulder. His car is now leaning at a dangerous angle. His front bumper is only feet from my boulder, but his back bumper is still in the middle of the road. At that moment my car chooses to fall off its rock. With a crunch and a bump, I’m back on the road. There was no screech of metal  so I cross my fingers that there’s no damage. No one is blocking my way now, but I still have to get around the rear of the other car. That will take me very close to the edge of the cliff. I look to the spectators.They wave me forward with encouraging words. I hope they want my success – not to witness a big splat. I hold my breath. I’m afraid to look to the left. I stare at the single lane ahead with the rear end of the car in the middle and then I’m past car #2.


I turn the corner and there, not 100 yards ahead of me is a pull out. There’s even a food truck. I pull in, turn around and fall out of my car on shaking legs. I can’t believe I made it. I’m safe- at least until I have to venture back the way I came.



Marvelous Marvin- Atlanta

Marvelous Marvin has Arrived

Marvelous Marvin arrived on my doorstep earlier than expected. He actually made it in time to go to Atlanta, GA with me. He must have galloped across Alaska’s Tundra to make it to the post office in time.Moose scrambles up the bankHis ETA was Friday 1/10 but on Tuesday 1/7 my doorbell rang and there he was. He didn’t even have time to say hello to cousin Merle before I had him packed away for Atlanta.

Marvin at the Marriott

We were staying at the Marriott Marquis. What a huge hotel! But even with 20+ floors not all of the attendees could be accommodated . We had folks in the OMNI Hotel at the CNN Center, the Sheraton, The Hyatt Regency and The Westin Peachtree Plaza. As you can see this was a very big deal. Our closing dinner and Party was so huge it had to be held in the Mercedes-Benz Stadium!

The Atmosphere was Electric

This was my 5th Redferno (that’s the name of the annual convention) and Marvin’s first. The energy was vibrating like it was about to explode. So many people that all embraced the same corporate culture here in one place, together, to celebrate our success and get a peek at the future. Music blared from every meeting room. The joint (as they say)was rockin’ . People were cheering. Its like being dropped into the middle of an Amway convention. It can be quite a culture shock. It was for me the first time I came. I was interested to see how my team mates would feel about a moose in their midst.

Marvin at Thrive

I chose to introduce Marvin at a smaller venue. Our Boston Market dinner was Wednesday evening at a restaurant called Thrive. I was more comfortable introducing Marvin to just my team before any of the other teams found out about my stowaway. Marvin immediately charmed everyone. Of course Marvin couldn’t go to the meetings but he would be able to join us again for the really big send off party on Friday.